Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Day 25, God Bless You, September 1, 2010 aunt and uncle had a garage sale last Saturday.  One of the things they were selling was this Louise Hay "You Can Heal Your Life" kit (for lack of a better word) that I had given them almost five years ago.

What is interesting to me with my new found understanding of the Law of One, is how much I would see everyone who didn't appear to be on the spiritual path and seemed less than healthy and perfect well-being in manifestation, well, I thought I was serving them by pointing out to them they needed to get on the spirituality train.

I see now how this has a few flaws.  First, I am seeing them not as the truth of who they are: Divine Children of the Mother/Father God.  Second, I am somehow also affirming something is wrong with their life.  And I have to say that one thing I really don't like to experience is someone else telling me how my life is somehow wrong.  What if it is not?  And technically no one's life is wrong because their life presents perfectly based on the thoughts and feelings they present to presence.

It is certainly an affirmation for simply being who I desire to be (Divine) and then if someone says to me that they see how my life is working and they wish to emulate that, "what am I doing?"  Then that is the time to share with them what I am doing.  Otherwise it is simply for me to love them.  Okay, these are my beliefs currently.

What I find interesting is that there is a Master who mentioned the only "I AM" phrase a Master would ever utter is "I AM Blessed."

And I say that because it is interesting how we may have prejudices we don't even realize.  Take Joel Osteen for instance.  In a way he does not fit my idea of a "New Age" messenger.  Yet, what I share with you at the end of this blog post is based on something Joel Osteen wrote on the subject declaring blessings.

So as I have been declaring these blessings in my life the last couple of days since finding the paper I left for my Aunt and Uncle in the "kit", I find it interesting how I somehow understood the value of declaring these blessings, yet I didn't trust them enough to really commit to them any more than my aunt and uncle obviously trusted the declarations or the "kit" would make a beneficial change in what shows up in their life.

As I was repeating these declarations this morning it occurred to me that not only does one need to trust making these declarations will bring them to pass in manifestation in one's life, but it probably makes a difference if then one begins to look for the evidence of them manifesting (attention) instead of looking for evidence that  the declarations will have no positive effect in their life.  Anyway, it just seems a little psycho for one to declare blessings and then look for evidence that they are in fact not blessed and then wonder where all the blessing are at as they are not "receiving" blessings?  What sort of crazy mixed up message does that send to the Universe?

And now...ta da...without further are the declarations (as you are declaring and decreeing, you may wish to imagine that the very voice, power, love and light of Mother/Father God are included...are present as you state these declarations - similar to the way Jesus, the Christ was able to create for Jesus, the Christ had 100% knowing and confidence that the word creates...that the word like a seed contained the very vibration necessary to create in manifestation what the word describes...AND you may wish to make these declarations from the perspective of YOU as your own Higher Self, your Christ Self...your Self that is a contemporary with Jesus, the Christ...all He can do You can and it is written)  God Bless YOU:

  • I declare and decree: I AM valuable to All That Is.  I AM loved by All That Is.
  • I declare and decree:  Mother/Father God has a great plan for MY life today and every day.
  • I declare and decree:  I have the favor of Mother/Father God in my life NOW (always did). 
  • I declare and decree:  The blessings of Mother/Father God are one with me in every present moment now.
  • I declare and decree:  I AM excited about this moment, today and my future.
  • I declare and decree:  Every day I AM more and more in perfect harmony with my Higher Self.  Thus, I AM more and more an expression in physical manifestation of the Glory of my Higher Self.
  • I declare and decree: Mother/Father God's goodness in my life right now.  This is my experience.  I AM blessed.
  • I declare and decree: Mother/Father God's face is smiling on me...loving me...blessing me.  This is not bragging.  Simply Mother/Father God's message that we are blessed when we declare it is so.
  • I declare and decree:  I AM blessed with Mother/Father God's supernatural wisdom.  I have clear direction for my life now.
  • I declare and decree:  I AM blessed with creativity and courage, with ability, health, wealth, well-being and abundance.
  • I declare and decree:  I AM blessed with a strong will and with self-control and self-discipline.
  • I declare and decree:  I AM blessed with great family, great friends, great health, great wealth and Mother/Father God's favor and fulfillment.
  • I declare and decree:  I AM blessed with success, supernatural strength and fitness in my body temple, promotion and with Divine Safety.
  • I declare and decree:  I AM blessed with an open and loving heart and with a divine outlook on life.
  • I declare and decree:  any curse EVER spoken over me, any negative, disharmonious vibration (in whatever form) that has come against me, is dissolved right now, including the ones I have spoken about myself.
  • I declare and decree:  I AM blessed in the city and the country, in the world and the Universe.  I AM blessed when I go in and when I come out.  I AM blessed and a blessing to Mother/Father God.  Being blessed in...I am blessed in physical manifestation, as well.
  • I declare and decreeEVERYthing I  touch is prospering and succeeding NOW (even if I only touch it with my thoughts, words, heart or love).
  • I declare and decree:   I AM blessed by living and enjoying my life which is in complete, total and harmonious alignment with my divine life purpose.  I love this about my life.  My life is truly blessed, as AM I.
  • I declare and decree:  I AM blessed with glorious, divine, amazing, wonderful fiscal fitness and physical fitness in my life that I love.  I AM the glorious, perfect expression of my Divine Being in body, mind, spirit, soul, love, blessings, health, wealth, well-being and manifestation.
  • I declare and decree:  I AM blessed with an abundant flow of cash, money and wealth (which are simply spirit in form) to me, for me, for my enjoyment and all the amazing, blessed things I may exchange money for while I enjoy my earth journey.  I AM blessed with more and more money coming to me from many different streams from the ONE SOURCE of ALL THAT IS: millions and millions.  This may seem like a lot of money, yet I vow not to lend or borrow.  A home may have an investment value of a million dollars or more.  I know I AM blessed enough that Mother/Father God would love for me to own my home and any other physical item that is joy and love to me.  This may seem like a lot of money, yet SOURCE is unlimited...the epitome of wealth...forever blessed circulating with love.  It feels so GREAT and I feel so very, very blessed to have my mind in perfect divine harmony NOW with Divine Mind's wealth consciousness.
  • I declare and decree:  I AM blessed to be experieincing the full integration of my I AM Presence NOW.  I AM blessed to be experiencing my SELF within the heart of Mother/Father God.  I AM blessed to be experiencing my SELF as one with all life.  I AM blessed to be experiencing my SELF with my 12-strand DNA activated to the maximum cosmic law will allow in any given, glorious present moment of NOW.
  • I declare and decree:  I AM blessed to be experieincing my SELF as my true puzzle piece NOW within the collective as this world leader and ambassador of Light, which is simply another word for Divine Love.  I AM blessed to be experiencing my SELF in service to all life while a little surprised at how GREAT it feels to be doing so.  My Divine Embodiment is ALL THAT I AM.! 
  • I declare and decree:  I AM deliciously blessed NOW and always by Mother/Father God, the Universe, Mother Earth, the Archangelic League of Light, the Ascended Masters and ALL THAT IS.
  • I declare and decree:  I have learned to speak blessings over my life, my friends and my future...for as the Law of One states: it doesn't matter who I declare blessing over, declaring for another is like declaring for self.
  • I declare and decree: I receive these words with love and appreciation into my being NOW.  I allow them to penetrate and enlighten my heart and mind with Divine Love.  As these declarations more and more become the reality of my inner being, they more and more become the reality of my outer physical being and experience.  Thank You, Mother Earth for allowing me to enjoy your physical being.
  • NOW I know Mother/Father God provides EVERYTHING I desire for me to live my life FULL of abundance, full of providence promised me.  Having declared and decreed these blessings, the blessings must be.  Thank You, Mother/Father God.  And so it is!

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