Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Dream On, Day 24

Today's angel message: enjoy every present moment.

So, I haven't felt the need to share for a couple of days.  I was on such a love bubble Friday.  This morning I awoke feeling fairly blissful only to take a look at my mail and find a little something that showed up I wasn't so crazy about.

Here's where following the path of mastery helps.  I have so many choices as to how I may perceive this situation.  And I have so many choices as to how I would love to see (create, expect) this situation be resolved (reSOLVED).  Even though one part of my being initially viewed this as something to be not so crazy about, what if like in the book, "The Power" I choose to see it as a blessing.

The "situation" had to do with my bank account.  I've been listening to the "M Power Me" (video posted earlier on this blog).  Words from the video filtered through my being.  Presence responds to everything presented to it (all my thoughts and feelings) and I mean everything.  I could see over the last couple of weeks the many times that despite understanding this I had still been thinking/feeling thoughts of lack.  I also heard the words from it, "I AM an excellent money manager".

Truth is I technically did everything right to not warrant an overdraft.  The breakdown was that I thought my agreement with the person I sent the check to on when she could present it was apparently not clear.  Also, my understanding the bank will accept checks even if they are post dated was not clear.  Here's one place I feel I may be proud of me, I was not in this to place blame, but simply to find a solution.  The answer is always love and blessings.

What sustained me the most is I really had acted in full faith and as an excellent money manager and I had proof of this to present to the banker.  I made sure to send love to the entire situation.  I chose to see this as a blessing, especially since I saw how my thoughts and feelings helped create this.  It was helping me see on a very conscious level how much I still am carrying poverty consciousness...and that is so not my desire.  While I know I may ask for Divine help and Divine Intervention to assist me with being more in harmony with wealth consciousness...still I AM the ultimate be all/end all as to choosing what thoughts to think or feelings to feel.  This is where the mastery comes in.  This is where being more conscious...more awake comes in.

This is in no way to say I am right or wrong OR that anyone reading this needs to feel right or wrong about being more awake...more conscious.  It's more to say that every moment we are effecting presence with our vibration.  We are free to offer any vibration to presence with no judgment.  It's just that if we say we desire "x" but aren't willing to be vigilant that our thoughts and feelings are in harmony with our desire...well, then we aren't being an excellent thought/feeling manager is all.  God is going to love us unconditionally and divinely regardless.

As I sat in the bank waiting to speak to a banker, I was simply thinking and feeling thoughts of blessings and wealth for the bank, myself and everyone in the bank.  And thank you so much to the banker who helped me.  He listened and he did reverse my overdraft charge.

I have to say that I noticed there is a lot of distrust energy around banks.  They don't trust their clients and most clients think they are simply out to gouge them.  What if more people could bless and love this relationship and bless and love the services the banks provide?  I'm just sayin'!

Anywhoo...if you are reading this, you most likely know this blog is about my 108-day journey of being focused on divinity.  I AM Divine and I AM in harmony with all that means.  I wrote I would continue to declare and decree "I AM Divine" until this becomes my manifest experience.  So, I was tickled when I heard the song by Aerosmith, "Dream On" on the radio as I was returning home.  I "heard" the lyric "dream until your dreams come true" as if they were written specifically for me.

This thought moved my mind to something I read written by L. Ron Hubbard, founder of Scientology.  Mr. Hubbard was a champion for arts and artists.  There are some amazing Scientology buildings in the Hollywood area.  They also have occasional seminars.  I took a beginning class.  Wasn't really for me.  Yet, I must say that one thing I do admire about Mr. Hubbard's teaching was his understanding of the power of clarity to the extent he would define words in his text to ensure all who read them were on the same page as he.  Taking the class put me on their mailing list.  Even though I have asked to be removed, I still receive magazines and such from them.  Somtimes, I'll page through and see if there is an L. Ron Hubbard article.  One article mentioned much the same thing and corresponds to Deepak Chopra's quote, "Inherent in the desire is the mechanics for its fulfillment."  In other words, every desire is manifestable.

I may create a physical life that is in harmony with Divine Love, moment-to-moment.  I simply must stay aligned with this...keep dreaming until my dreams come true.

Which had me pondering how much we are all willing to stay in disharmony with love...almost as if the "Light" is to be feared...almost as if too much love is something to be afraid of or worry about.  Which had me pondering why it seems "okay" to create something seemingly "bad" or "unwanted" with our thoughts and feelings, but somehow it is not okay to create something "good" or "desired" simply with our thoughts and feelings?  Almost like we deserve the bad more than we deserve the good.

Yet the truth is we are always creating with our thoughts and feelings.  And God has never said we have to think more bad thoughts and thoughts about what we don't want, etc.  I am entitled to expect money to flow to me easily and effortlessly (leaving the how to the Universe) as much as I am entitled to expect no money to come to me except in certain very limited ways...you know I've jumped through this hoop or that, I have earned it, I deserve it, blah, blah, blah.  I am entitled to vision myself with all the cash I desire and more (leaving the how to the Universe) knowing as I place this vision into presence it manifests in the same sort of way that placing visions of lack into presence manifest lack for me.

The Universe doesn't interpret presence any more than my laptop knows what to present on my screen if I didn't direct it to present on my screen.

Which got me to thinking why we are such a people of questioning our desires.  It seems to me that most desires occur because we on some level feel like it would be wonderful to experience that desire.  How do we know if that desire would feel joyful unless we experience it.  If we experience and it isn't joyful, shouldn't we cease defining that as a failure or a mistake?  Wouldn't truth be more that we thought we would enjoy it and we didn't for whatever reason.  And it wasn't a waste of time.  We are eternal.  And in a way, time well spent that we now know this was not joy for us and so we may move to the next thing we desire we feel may be joy to us.

Well, this is getting long.  I feel like I said all I desired to.

I appreciate all the help and support I receive.  I am thrilled I have the opportunity to try out the wii fit.  I manifest all I desire through love.  I AM Blessed.  And so it is.

I am the Glory of God in perfect expression.  I thank God and All That Is for helping me return to the perfection from which I was originally created...Mother/Father God's Divine Blueprint for me.  And thank you, Mother Earth, for allowing me to experience divinity/spirit in physical manifestation with you.

I AM blessed and so it is.

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