Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Day 17, Tuesday, August 24, 2010 - Full Moon

Today's insight seems to be the following:

I have it backwards.

I determine whether I am good enough or worthy enough, etc. based on what I have and what I am doing in the moment in terms of collective consciousness...current societal mores and the like.

Truth is...I AM THAT I AM!  I AM Divine.  I AM BLESSED.

In other words, I am not a well-being because of what I eat...I am a well-being because I AM THAT I AM, a Divine, Beloved, Blessed Child of God.

In other words, I am not wealthy, rich, abundant, unlimited, Co-Creator, etc. 'cuz of what I do or what I have...I AM THAT I AM!!!  I love me.  I love Mother/Father God.  I love Mother Earth.  I love the ONE I AM unconditionally.  I AM BLESSED!  I AM wealthy, rich, abundant, unlimited, Co-Creator because I AM Divine NOW...eternal...Bliss.

As I see me, know me, experience me as this truth...Being Divine...I AM.

Be still and know...God and I are ONE.

Thus, anytime I judge myself as "less than" in thought, word or deed, I AM not seeing myself as Divine.  That is sin.  That is the sin Don Miguel Ruiz refers to in his book, The Four Agreements.  And anytime I look at another child of God and think they are judging me as "less than" in thought, word or deed, I AM not seeing myself as Divine.  (Seriously, how do I know what they are thinking about me?)  Plus, I AM not honoring their divinity by assuming they see me as "less than".  AND...if that weren't enough...when I look at them and see anything "less than" their divine truth, I have lost my focus for keeping my attention on Divine Love.

I won't go into any details about why I ended up at the Self-Realization Fellowship Center in Pacific Palisades, but I was there.  It was here that I noticed how I judged others as thinking certain things about me which were "less than" the truth of me.

In this very peaceful place, it occurred to me that if I would simply see each person I encounter as Divine and pretend I recognize their 3-fold flame heart (see picture above) in them without any attention on what they may be thinking of me.

I am having an "issue" with another and wish to transcend it in the most divine way possible.  I understand I have my free will and they have theirs.  I give Doreen Virtue credit for her "loop hole" of free will overlap.  If anothers free will overlaps with mine, I may ask for Divine Intervention and ask for us to go forth making free will choices based on the highest version of love we are able to embody for the Highest Good of all.

And so I make this my formal request to the Ascended Masters, the Archangels and other Christed Beings of Light who may assist for this to be so in this situation.

Here is something I also noticed.  I ask for help but then I may go right back and place my attention on the "situation" as it was without keeping my attention focused on divine love like I have chosen.  So it is with much love, honor and respect I ask for help in assuming that if I asked, it is re-solved.  The "disharmony" has been tuned to Divine Harmony.

I guess that is enough for today.

Thank you to all who have assisted me.

Thanks for the message "Going the Distance"
Thanks for the message "continue listening to the guidance of the Ascended Masters they're helping me manifest a meaningful career with financial abundance which fulfills my Divine Life Purpose".  This is a current desire for me, as is my re-solving my truth about money, wealth and abundance to be that which is the same as Divine Truth. 

Thank you, God and the Universe...and to me.  Always remember in all of this, I AM Divine.  I am not better than another or less than another...I AM an equal child of God...and so I AM Blessed.

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