Monday, August 23, 2010

Day 16, Monday, August 23, 2010

This is a photo of the front of the Ford Amphitheatre in Hollywood, California.  It is a view from the 3rd level looking out onto Hwy 101.  Notice the waterfall and all the seating.  Picnics are encouraged.  It was a lovely setting for the Swami Kriyananda talk on Sunday, August 22.

I don't remember exactly what happened to Swami Kriyananda the week before, but he was almost health-wise unable to attend the event.  He did make a wheel chair.

I feel this is kind of interesting because I have a judgment about so-called "God Men" who are not in perfect health.  As if I know everything.  Time to let that judgment go, eh?

I had been thinking about how much of a Divine Appointment this event is.  Everyone who was meant to be there, I assume was.  And with all seats full and expecting Swami Kriyananda to show up.  Somehow I can't imagine that he had any real choice but to show up.

The other photo is a view of the stage inside the Amphitheatre.  An amazing venue.  I feel blessed to have chosen to attend.

Anyway, the program for the evening was shortened somewhat in honor of Swami Kriyananda's health.

There was music.  The songs were written by Swami Kriyananda.  Then a brief talk by Neale Donald Walsch.  I didn't realize he had written the first Conversations With God in 1992.  Almost 20 years now.  I thought those books were amazing.  His one main suggestion for all of us in attendance was one minute to one-ness.  He basically dared those of us there to find one person a week for the next year to spend one minute looking into each others eyes.  You know, if eyes are the doorway to the soul.  His suggestion is that most of us don't even ever spend more than five seconds looking into anothers eyes to really see who they are...never mind a minute.  And that if you could hold each others gaze for a minute, you would be able to really get a glimpse of their divinity.

He also dared those of us with "beloveds" to practice this once each day for the next week and see if our relationship doesn't grow more amazing as we see each others souls, especially if we can hold this gaze for a minute with each other while at our most intimate.

Personally, I have to say that I can imagine doing this with my beloved, but with one person a week.  It seems like one of the things most people try to do is avoid eye contact with each other so as not to feel like we are invading each others space.  Almost like a sign of respect.  And I feel like though once you have let me into your life and we are connected, when I do speak with you, I look in your eyes.  Anyway, I thought this was interesting.

Then Swami Kriyanada spoke.  I found it interesting that he spoke about where he was born and the languages he knows and where he was in his life when he simply felt 100% compelled beyond his conscious intent to travel from New York to Los Angeles to become a disciple of Paramahansa Yogananda.

And now Swami Kriyananda has agreed to spend the next seven months or so in Los Angeles.  He will be participating in Sunday Talks beginning Sunday, September 19 at 11am at the Regent Showcase Theater (free/donation suggested).

Anyway, the thing I feel I found most helpful out of all Swami mentioned was to never allow yourself to believe you have falied.  Feel the energy that failure flows through your being.  Instead, you simply tell yourself that you simply have not succeeded yet.

Oh, yeah!  And the thing I did not know about Paramahansa Yogananda is that as a being of pure love, you have no dislikes and no likes.  You are simply love.  You are simply detached.  And some people may call this sociopath.  Supposedly, they have no feelings.  But what if most of are "so-called" feelings are learned.  You know!  You learn it is appropriate to be happy in certain situations and sad in other situations.  And if you don't react accordingly, something is wrong with you.  Yet, Paramahansa Yogananda was always in a state of pure love and bliss.  In this place, what would ever cause you to feel sad?  These are things I wonder.  And I find it interesting to understand this now.  And what a testament to "ruling one's own personal kingdom" or something along those lines to not react in the way that seems to be agreed upon by most and instead standing in your own power, you simply be who you are in the moment.  Divine?  Love?  Peace?  Bliss?  Blessed?  Beautiful?

So, I find it interesting to have used the L.A. Metro system to traverse to and from this event.  This is an excellent venue to practice non-judgment and see everyone as Divine and simply be love.

Today, I mentioned the angel card was "See ONLY Love".  I somehow sort of blocked that out and as I awoke this morning was thinking I was to FOCUS on love.  As I was in bed contemplating getting up and the day, I thought the word "love".  The next moment, I thought the word "love" again.  Then again and again.  And I thought it was kind of cool.  What if my every thought was simply the word "love" or "Divine Love" considering my 108-day journey?  How awesome might that be.  No judgment about what is showing up in the outer, simply thinking, feeling and seeing "Divine Love"?

And isn't that really my journey as I described it.  Continue to "declare Divine Truth until the facts (physical) line up with Divine Truth".  Wouldn't this be the Golden Age, as Mr. Hall mentions in his videos (M Power Me) that I shared in a previous blog?

So, if I were living in PeeWee's Playhouse, today's word would be "Love".  I love that!

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