Sunday, August 22, 2010

Day 15, Sunday, August 22, 2010

I am appreciative to Anada L.A. Org for the event they are having this evening at the Ford Amphitheatre in Hollywood to hear Swami Kriyananda speak.  Since I am taking the Metro and it should be well attended, it should probably take up most of the rest of my day.

I am blessed.

And so it is.

Also, I find it very synchronistic that two days in a row (today and tomorrow as I write this) the Doreen Virtue cards are today, God, which is another way to say Love or Light.  So today's focus is Love and God...all day.  Monday's card is "See Only Love".  Talk about Divine Focus.  Look past the seeming errors, mistakes and misunderstandings and see only love.  I love it.  Love is always the answer.  Focus on love.

She has a great suggestion, if we find ourselves in a place where we aren't feeling very loving, talk to the angels:
     "Angels, please ignite the flames of love within me.  Help the love within me to glow and bring blessings to everyone with whom I come into contact.  Help my mind, my body and all my actions to be completely infused with and acting from that place of love.  Help me to feel that love and accept that love and to know I deserve love in all ways and so it is."

Have a beautiful loving day.  Remember we are focused on love.

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