Saturday, August 21, 2010

Day 14

So things are changing.  It occurred to me once that there is the saying keep doing what you are doing and expecting change and that is the definition of insanity.  But change what you are doing and not expect anything to change...wouldn't that also qualify?

And so this morning I seem to be in a less than stellar feeling place.  Luckily, I have ways to pull myself out of them.  And luckily, what I wrote yesterday and I want to remember the Daily Oracle Card reading today as being very helpful for me to rememer that in DIVINE TRUTH I already AM everything I say I wish to manifest myself as...bringing heaven to earth...more light into manifestation.

So instead of looking around at how much light I have appeared to manifested currently and feeling discouraged...if I can look around and notice I brought in more light yesterday and I'll bring in more light today and I still have almost 100 days of bringing step at a time...I have the power.

Celebrate my progress.

And I wish to remind myself that any unkind (read: lies) thoughts or feelings I have toward myself (whatever they may be) are not the voice of my Higher Self.  These are not the voice of my guardian angels or any Light Beings who may be assisting me.  See me the way they see me.  See me the way they see me.  See me the way they see me.  Keep doing this and I will probably be amazed.

I shall rise above the self-judgment that I seem to possess in abundance just as sure as God loves me unconditionally and divinely.

Celebrate the love.

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