Friday, August 27, 2010

Day 20, Friday, August 27, 2010

I am currently loving the Power of Love.

It's a litle amazing in a way (of course, we make up the stories of our life and so...) that what I feel like I have been searching for in the last fifteen years or so was culminated in reading "The Power" yesterday. 

Yesterday was my no longer in this world as my physical father's birthday.  We had a very interesting dynamic and he was the object for a lot of my hatred in this life.  He left this earth plane in 1997. So who knows.  He could be reincarnated by now or soon returning.  In the last couple of years I feel I have totally made my peace with him because I have a broader view of who he is and our role with each other from a Spiritual standpoint.  So, to have yesterday be what it was on his birthday just seems glorious.  For all you think someone is your enemy or hindrance, etc., in truth they love you so very, very much and we are always so very, very loved and adored and blessed.  Thank you, to my soulmate who previously in this lifetime played the role of my physical father.  Please forgive me for all the hate and rage I sent your way that seemed so real feeling to me.  I send you only love and the most Divine Blessings for you and your life.  You are God's child.  I love you.

I also wish to send a huge shout out to Archangel Michael.  You continue to walk my path with me.  Not sure why, but thrilled about it just the same.  Thank you.  I appreciate the message today of "Let Go of Fear...Now" because I am on the perfect path for me.  And to stand strong on this path with confidence and love.  Continue to see Divine Love everywhere in everyone and everything.  For in truth ALL is Spirit in Form.  There is ONLY spirit, regardless of what label you wish to place on anyone or anything.

And I am still thrilled with finding out that my Guardian Angel's name is Jovial.  I love you, too.

And a huge shout out to my man, Manny.  Actually, his given name is Manuel, pronounced "man-well".  I love that as I have been seeking to heal my relationship with my brother and sister children of God (how I see others and release judging them), I have a constant reminder that the truth of all of us is we are well.  He has been perfect for me in my life.  And he just goes right on loving me even if he may or may not understand everything about me (and/or agree or disagree) with everything.

One of the things Ms. Byrne mentions in "The Power" book is that she wakes up each morning and enjoys about 15 minutes of thinking and feeling the coming day going well and really amplifying her feeling of love.  I don't feel like I did exactly what she does, but I did use the suggestion to think about things in my past that could help me amplify my feeling of love for the coming day.  It was sort of crazy.  Crazy in the sense that when we let ourselves we may think that we have nothing to feel loving or appreciative about.  And while I am going to more or less be letting go of labeling myself as being fifty for the sake of my body temple and its well-being, truth is this lifetime I have been here so far a bit over fifty physical earth years.  And in that time, as I started remembering moments from my past that are in harmony with love, "WOW"!  There are quite a few.  I barely touched the tip of the ice berg.  I could probably enjoy more than an hour on all the moments of love with just one of my children...never mind both of them and the relationships I've enjoyed, etc.

That's all.

TTFN (ta ta for now), as Tigger was known to say.

Feelin' the love!  Ain't it grand?

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