Sunday, August 8, 2010

8:8 Lion's Gateway

I've been feeling moved for at least a month or so to do something like this.

Yesterday, I had quite a bout of self bashing when truth is compared to many, life is pretty amazing with little to not be grateful for.  And yet, from a collective consciousness and some sort of nebulous agenda I seem to have, I think of myself as a failure.

My spirituality always helps lift me out of my funk.  And while on one hand I feel like I am a failure, on another hand I feel like I am either very awesome with my spiritual progress or some sort of nut job.  I am an Advanced Clear Light Practitioner.  I have a lot of tools to help others feel better.  I consider myself a Light Worker.  And I feel like I am on track to become one with my Christ Consciousness in this lifetime.  And to a certain extent I feel like my life is an experiment where I am seeking to create and master creating in the physical the way Christ did.  You know, fulfilling the promise of all that Christ was capable of doing we are capable of and more.

I never put much stock in the whole scare we had changing to the year 2000.  I wanted to turn a blind eye to this whole end of the Mayan Calendar, end of the world stuff.  Yet somehow I find myself believing that while the earth probably won't end, there will be a change.  And I feel somehow I signed up to help herald this shift in a way that is the most loving, peaceful and gentle possible.

If there is any truth to the Universal Law of Attraction then these are things I appear to be attracted to.  And I see that today, August 8, is by some considered to be the Lion's Gateway energetically, vibrationally.  So, it seems like a great day to start this "voyage".

Coincidentally, in less than a week the "Eat, Pray, Love" movie will be released.  The book is about a woman who found her self praying to God one night and then going on a one-year spiritual journey.  I read the book about a year after it was first released and found myself rereading it all last night.  I feel it will help me very much with my journey I have committed to here.  Her intent was to help her understand how she can balance her connection with the Divine while still living in and enjoying the pleasures we are able to experience because we have these physical bodies (spirit in form).  Our bodies are temples of the Most High, God, and God is in the temple.

And so the journey begins.

FYI!  If I feel guided to share some things (like videos), I will.   Like my vow to of Non-Violence via Deepak Chopra's Well World or the intention to assist with heralding Unity Consciousness or the following two videos:

The above video is from Doreen Virtue's YouTube Channel.

The above video is from Anrita Melchizedek's YouTube Channel.

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