Monday, August 9, 2010

Day 2

I continue to be amazed at the information available through the a good way.

I continue to be amazed that with so much information, how do you know what is true or not.

What if it is all true?

I had an amazing meditation where I met one of my Guardian Angels, Jovial.  Perfect for me since I tend to take all of this spirituality stuff so seriously.  As the Divine Being, whose desire is to merge with my Higher, Mighty I AM Presence...a being of light...well, light connotes jovial and not serious.  At least to me.  So, awesome.  I also met my Animal Guide.  A bear. 

I have a tendency to want to second guess.  I forget who recommended that one should be like a child and simply assume that you can do it even if it feels like you are making it all up.  For maybe we are.  Make.  Believe. 

Today I went to the Agape Noon Meditation at 12:15 PM.  Thank you.  And it jived perfectly with my Facebook "God Wants Me To Know" where it is time for me to get off the looking for solutions to problems and understanding I am complete.  Now let this blueprint be co-created and brought to earth.

I also have been very much wishing to be in service to the light.  And while it does seem like all of this "divine" stuff is important and perfect, I do still have a physical body and physical presence on Earth and money would seem to be important.  So I wish to serve in the Highest Way and feel okay about earning a living at the same time. 

I received a message that something I love will come to me in a sort of bizarre way, but it will be awesome and everything and more than I hoped it would be and it will be coming within the next three to four weeks.  So...whoo hoo!!

I found some other interesting things. 

Jacqui Johnson - Goddess Of Divinity

To give credit where it is due, I found her through Anrita Melchizedek YouTube search which brought me to Shahid, RadiantGodLight ChannelThank you, Shahid.

What I love about Jacqui's site is her affinity to Ganesh.  She mentions chanting his mantra before just about anything she undertakes.  Click here to see a Deva Premal video of Ganesh's chant,

Om Gum Ganapatayei Namaha

Jacqui also follows Dr. Pillai.  She has a great video of him.  Her page also mentions his Secret Yoga Twitter Program.  I am going to include his two videos at the bottom of today's post.

I am also going to include two other videos found on Shahid's channel.  These have to do with prosperity.  Supposedly if you listen to them 21 days in a row it will greatly enhance your consciousness to be more in line with prosperity and abudance.

Part of me thinks with all of this I would be spending a lot of time doing a lot of different chanting and the like.  Honest truth is that most days I spend at least three hours watching TV and nothing close to that meditating or doing anything like that.  Would Jesus, as the Christ, watch that much TV?  I figure if He did, he'd find a way to do it and still somehow serve humanity at the same time.

Anyway, I am very excited for all of this since it already seems like I've made so much progress in just these first two days.

Whoo hoo!

The  VaYaNaMaSi

M Power Me CD, Part 1

M Power Me CD, Part 2


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