Friday, September 3, 2010

Fun-damental Friday, Day 27, September 3, 2010

So, I wanted to recreate my high from last week after reading "The Power" by Rhonda I glanced through the book again.  Loved it.

Our lives were meant to be amazing moment-to-moment...not just good enough.  I'm not sure that I 100% agree with that or why would we supposedly choose to incarnate into families with issues of various sorts like we do.

It would seem that each moment may potentially be anything based on our consciousness.  We forget we have this power and then reconnect with Divine Truth of how amazing each of us are--inherently (not based on our job and our possessions) and what we are capable of co-creating.

And I have to say that some of my beliefs are pretty well entrenched.  If all I did was spend time having fun, would I ever get anything done.  How would I "make" money?  Etc.  It the truth is that we have the ability to co-create (bring spirit into form) simply from our thoughts and feelings when we become that masterful at co-creation...then one wouldn't have to have a job in order to see themselves with money.  At least that seems logical to me.

I don't see too many new age sages coming right out and saying this is so, although one of the Abraham books did mention this in passing.  So briefly and without much explanation that one could miss it, but it was there.

Sometimes I wonder if I really would be able to say what is "fun" for me because I focus on it so little.

Anyway, I love, love, love Ms. Byrne's new book, "The Power".  It has me more thrilled about this journey of focusing on Divine Love.  And it has me realizing even more...being more awake...more conscious of how much I may think of others (remember the Law of One) in a way that is not feeling love for them or feeling blessing or appreciation for them.  In realizing this, I have the opportunity to change and choose how I think and feel about them when they pop in my mind.

Imagine feeling love, blessed and appreciation all day long (okay, wealthy too).  This is exciting to me.

And this also reminded me (how I think about another and wishing to simply choose to think of others with love, appreciation and blessing) about something I read about the innate telepathy of all Children of Mother/Father God and Divine Love.  We may think we aren't telepathic, but I believe it is true that we can sense what others think and feel about us AND others can sense what we think and feel about them.

What I read mentions telepathy works more in pictures than words.  Nonetheless, the vibe is what translates in my opinion.  What I found interesting was that if we are giving, radiating, thinking, feeling (whatever word works for you) love for others, while this is going on...another sending us some telepathic vibe that is in disharmony with love may not penetrate our being.  In other words, sending out love vibrations is like a sheild that allows bullets of disharmonious vibrations to simply fall away.  For a visual think of the ending of the movie, "Matrix", when Neo is being shot at but he has become enough of a Master now where the bullets just fall to the floor before reaching him.

And with that, I send you love and wish you all the blessings in your life you would love to experience.

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