Sunday, September 5, 2010

Thermometer, Day 29, Sunday, September 5, 2010

So, another day in paradise? 

Last night I had a little incident and this morning I knew things could be a little unsettling on the home front.  As I was in bed pondering getting up, I was thinking about all of this and realizing I can be the thermometer.  By this I mean I have set my thermostat to divine, blessed and love.  If things seem to dip to something less than that then as quickly as possible my thermostat kicks in.  My HVAC sets in motion what it needs to do energetically to bring me back to feeling divine, blessed and love.  This isn't normally how I might have "played" this game of life.  It's how I desire to play it now.

Ms. Byrne, in her book "The Power" has a section where she mentions she thinks of our brother and sister children of God as PETs, Personal Emotional Trainers.  As much as I am not happy for a blip in the road with an unsettling situation, I may be happy that it allows me the ability to practice my mastery and see just how committed I am to my journey.

And with that I will continue on in paradise today seeking to feel as divine, loved and blessed as I am able to be conscious to be in every given, glorious moment of now.  Every moment I have the choice to feel any feeling I desire and I am not obligated (as much as collective consciousness might wish for me to feel otherwise) to feel anything I do not desire to feel.

May the blessings be.

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