Saturday, September 4, 2010

End of Week 4

So, I am listening to Eric Clapton (love him) play Forever Man..."How many times must I tell you I love you?"

How many times must I hear that I have to see myself with it, as it, etc.?  There's a part in the movie, Spanglish (loved this movie...cried when I saw it in the theater), where the main character alters Adam Sandler's daughter in the movie...her clothes.  She tells the girl, "just try it on" 'cuz the girl doesn't expect them to fit her.  And she, Flor, continues to tell her to try them on until she does and the girl finds they do, in fact, fit. 

What have I told myself I shouldn't try on 'cuz I don't think it is going to fit (metaphorically)?  Sort of the same thing as you wish to imagine yourself as something but don't even let yourself get to far into the dream before the words "get real" surface.  This is the we are all created equal part.  We all can dream until our dreams come true.  Keep dreamin'.  Keep having the same dream and it builds a vortex of energy around you that truly does make you magnetic. 

And while I always feel like I am writing this to some mythical someone out there who may be reading this, I write this for me too.  I woke this morning feeling a little frustrated about what I seem to be manifesting in the last four weeks.  And yet, I still have 11 weeks left for this journey and what is it I think I wish to manifest by the end of the journey?  Is not having it now going to make me unsafe?  Will I stop breathing or eating or functioning?  I don't think so.

I did some de-cluttering today and talk about a way to see how much one  If I had to move all of this stuff, pack it up and so on.  And my man and I when we moved into this home started with literally nothing.  And the best's all bought and paid for.  So, I have so much to be blessed for.

Mostly, though, I really wish to remind myself to simply continue to try it on...whatever it is.  One day soon then it will be my manifest experience.

And I don't know why (and maybe it is too much sharing), but I listened to the video rendition of the Clapton song I am including at the end of this post and it made me cry.  What's up with that?  Maybe I should simply love that it moved me that much.  And I certainly feel blessed to have had the opportunity to hear the song.

Okay, it won't let me embed it.  So, if you wish to hear it, click here.

Since I couldn't embed the other video, it's a great excuse to share the video many things I love: Eric Clapton, B B King, Blues Guitar, Chicago and the song, "Sweet Home Chicago".  Enjoy.

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