Thursday, September 16, 2010

Day 40, Thursday, September 16, 2010

On Tuesday (9/14), I read Mr. Losier's book, Law of Attraction.  After being introduced to "The Secret" and playing with consciously and deliberately seeking to master the Law of Attraction in my life, I found his book quite refreshing and helpful.

Belief/Opinion seems to have so much to do with it all.  Truth for me is I don't feel like I would have felt this way about his book three years ago (assuming I'd read it then). 

Anyway, one of the things he mentions is to start a journal, a sort of proof diary, that helps you affirm that what it is you are seeking to attract deliberately through the conscious use of and eventual mastery of the Law of Attraction.  In the journal you write things that happen in your physical experience that seem to correspond to what you are asking for with the deliberate use of the law.

So, I found it interesting that I had been thinking about how one day this week (and most likely yesterday) I would love to make sure I return to Griffith Park to walk the trail  I had intended on going Sunday and in fact, I did go on Sunday.  Denied!  They closed down the park for some event.

Now in the past I would have spent much time debating on what sort of message this meant that when I wanted to walk the trail on Sunday, I couldn't because I was denied.  Most of the musings would revolve around the theme of being wrong or being punished or something like that.  So, if there was a gift for me it was that the park was closed.  And even though I didn't walk the trail, I did get out of the house and ended up buying some great food to bring home that I probably wouldn't have otherwise.

Anyway, Tuesday I received a call from the Children's Hospital in L.A. to please come in and donate platelets...Wednesday if I could.  Well, the Children's Hospital is on Vermont and Sunset.  Vermont is the same street (if you continue travelling north on it from Sunset for a couple of miles) that takes you to the Griffith Park Observatory and where I start the hiking trail.  Well, there you go. 

If I am going to donate platelets and be that close to Griffith Park, of course, I will go to Griffith Park after and walk the trail.

Here was a sort of freaky proof thing.  As I was donating platelets and happily watching a movie I knew would keep me in a joyful place, after about an hour and a half I start to get antsy.  Not wanting to be a pain, I figured for sure I should be done by 1 PM (in about 20 mintues).  At about five mintues to one, the machine starting beeping.  The attendant came to check on me, as the machine usually beeps only if it detects some sort of problem.  Well, I felt fine and so we continued.  However, at 1 PM the machine beeped and my place where they had inserted the needle was starting to hurt.  So, they cut the rest of the donation short.  I would have had another 20 minutes because apparently they always try to get a double batch from me.

Now technically, (and probably for legal reasons) they give you a sheet explaining that one should not do anything strenuous the rest of the day after donating platelets.  This almost had me thinking perhaps I shouldn't go to Griffith Park to walk the trail.  Then part of my mind told me that I felt fine and how strenuous is walking...really?  Of course, I suppose for some walking could be very strenuous.  However, I'd like to think for me this is not the case.  So, I went.

I did have a reason I wished to go to Griffith Park to hike the trail up to the top of Mt. Hollywood.  Let's was my day 17 for my wii fit.  On day 1 when to calibrate, etc. the balance board weighs you and does whatever, I weighed 217 pounds. 

I will write more about the seeming horror of weighing 217 pounds at a later date.  Heck!  I may even write a book about it 'cuz I know I will get back to my average weight from my twenties and thirties of about 135 before the end of April, 2011.

Anyway, I love, love, love the wii fit.  I love how it makes exercising a bit more enjoyable because it seems more like a game then doing something because you hate how your body looks and weighs and so you feel you need to punish it with something you hate, exercise.

The wii fit has this thing where you can walk/jog/run (actually it is more like marching in place for me) around this island on this trail for 10 minutes/20 minutes/30 minutes at a time depending on what you choose.  It is amazing how quickly I was able to get back into some sort of routine with this that felt good to me.  It almost seemed a little too good though.  And so I wanted to see how I would compare feeling by actually walking up hill on the Griffith Park hiking trail. 

My experience seemed to be brutal.  I felt very winded.  At one point I stopped just to sort of catch my breath.  And even though the top of the trail is not much more than a 100 extra yards from Dantes' Lookout area, I stopped there, as well.  Actually, much of the trail is right out in the open in the hot sun and Dantes' has a nice tree grouping and there was a breeze sitting there. 

A little bonus of spending some time there is that you get to see the butterflies and the lizards and the birds and the bugs all doing there thing.  When I did get to the top of Mt. Hollywood, there were more butterflies...beautiful butterflies.  And the view!  The view is breathtaking.  This particular day there were clouds over the ocean.  Low clouds.  I always find it sort of ethereal to feel like I am above clouds looking down on them. 

When I reached the top, I was the only one there.  After a couple of mintues a gentleman joined me.  He started a conversation with me.  First about the weather and then about politics.  Who would I vote for: Meg Whitman or Jerry Brown?  I'd been leaning toward Meg, but this person made some good points about what Jerry Brown might be able to do.

It wasn't long before another guy joined in on our politic conversation.  This person's mom was Buddhist and raised him that way.  Still, I was a little surprised at some of his views.  And yet, when push comes to shove...if I seek to be more my Divine Self in every moment...each belief...each view has merit.  Yes?  Who am I to say my take on how things are is any better or worse than anyone elses?

He mentioned checking out a website,  And I don't know about any of you reading this, but this guy had on very, very dark sunglasses.  I'm not really sure what I had expected about his eyes, but at one point he lifted his sunglasses and he had the most amazing blue, seriously, piercing blue eyes.  My youngest son has amazing blue eyes that people comment on a lot.  This mans eyes were even more blue and piercing than my son's.  (FYI, I write this as much for my wanting to remember as to share).

Now I'd been meditating and had let it slide.  I guess if I wanted to take one thing from this chance meeting (he was dreaming me and I was dreaming him), it was his suggestion of not letting meditation slide.  Twenty minutes in the morning and twenty minutes at night for the next fourteen days.  If I would take up this "gauntlet", he was sure I would then desire to continue with meditating after the fourteen days.  So...we'll see.

Here's the last thing I wish to remember/share.  I was in my pj's later that night watching a little TV and wishing I had something sweet to much I'd love a little nosh.  For I would think fairly obvious reasons, I didn't have any sweets in my home (not to mention my boyfriend just doesn't do sweets as they don't do anything for him).  Yet about an hour later I heard someone calling my name from outside my bedroom window.  It was one of our niece's.  Knowing how much I love cake, she had brought me a slice from her son's low-key birthday celebration.  Not just any cake, but ice cream cake.  Yum!  My favorite.

I love the way the Universe is continuously blessing me in such divine and wonderful ways.

Can you feel it? 

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