Friday, September 10, 2010

Day 34, Think Thoughts That Feel Great Friday, September 10, 2010


So...where do I begin?

So...I love my life.  I love my life.  Really, I love my life.

That's right...think it until you really feel it.  Don't look out at what is going on in the physical and decide you can't believe this is true.  Say it like you really mean it and this is the truth of your life every magnificent present moment.

Get funky with it!  Really make it work for you.  Become so present with feeling that you love your life that you actually feel the energy of it radiating from every molecule of your being.

Everyone has this power.  Anyone may do it.  The power to choose love and express it...really feel it...without seeming conditions.

I find something that really gets me in this place of letting go and really getting into the feeling of feeling great (and I chose great for a reason...that's because I agree with Rhonda Byrne in her book, "The Power", which is something along the lines of good/okay really isn't good enough...if we knew how amazing we could feel in every moment...we'd never settle for good)...anyway, listening to songs with blues guitar.  I know that sounds like a paradox, but there is something about a song with some great blues guitar in it that really moves through me and makes me feel almost giddy with delight.

I am going to share some brutal honesty with all of you right now.  I say that I AM an Advanced Clear Light Practitioner.  This is basically true.  I have taken the classes.  I have practiced and completed the internship.  And I have to say that Clear Light energy really kicked my butt and caused me to look at some things in my life and sort of forced me to let them go or else keep on feeling something that isn't in line with divine love/clear light energy.  And as an advanced practitioner, I am able to teach the process and create other clear light practitioners.

Still...I haven't had one paying client.  I know part of it is because we are to stick to charging/requesting an energetic investment of at least $75/session.  And I have been having a hard time justifying someone paying $75 for 45 minutes of clear light energy transmission from me.  In other words, how may I answer your question "What is so great about clear light energy that I should be willing to give you $75 in exchange for a session?"  I just felt like I didn't have a good enough answer.  Here's sort of the kicker, what I was willing to pay to learn it.  Although in all fairness to me, I was willing to pay what I paid because it wasn't so much about receiving a session of clear light energy to benefit me in some way, it was more about an investment in a career choice.  Being a "Light Worker" as we are sometimes called seems like my calling.  And as much as I feel like it isn't, it is the one thing I am passionate about.

Then yesterday it popped in my mind the benefit of clear light energy.  Before I get into it, I want to further explain my feeling about a session, benefits and my current philosophy about all of the "light worker" stuff.

More and more I truly believe that ultimately I am not really able to "make" you feel better, although I certainly can play the illusion game that this is so.  Knowing this truth, further shackles my sense of fair play when it comes to clear light energy sessions because I believe a Master doesn't do "it" for someone else...a Master teaches another how to do it for them self.  You know, I don't fish for you, I show you how to fish so you will forever be able to feed your self.

I do truly believe that if you came to me as a client, I could help you feel better (which I believe if you synthesize down pretty much any reason for visiting someone in this sort of capacity or even when you visit a Doctor because you have some perceived dis-ease, it is because you know you could feel better and you desire to feel better and you want help with this).  Not to mention that someone else is usally much more detached about whatever it is you feel may be your "dis-ease" (whether physical, mental, emotional or spiritual) and thus, even if you truly have the capacity (which you do) to "heal" your self and make your self feel better, SomeONE ELSE may be more equipped in a given moment to help you see the forest for the trees...if you know what I mean.

Maybe I need to let go of deciding what a client will do with the energy transmission and simply be the conduit.  After all, when a person cleans them self as they take a shower, the pipe that delivers the water doesn't get involved with how the water is used that comes out of the pipe.  It simply delivers.  Yet, I truly wish to help and feel like I have helped my clients.  Go figure!

Here's the thought I had yesterday that more or less popped in my mind from Mother/Father God only knows where: "Clear Light Energy Transmissions/Sessions plant a seed in the recipient."  Sort of like everything needed for the mighty oak to grow and flourish is included in the acorn and it is the future pull of the mighty oak that compels the acorn to become the oak...well, receiving transmissions of clear light energy is like reminding your being of what it feels like to be in harmony with its divine potential.  And the more you receive these transmissions, the more your being craves to harmonize with this energy compelling you to no longer pay "attention" to anything of a disharmonious frequency.

As I embark on this journney of divine focus, I am equipped to help others (sort of like a tour guide) to not only transmit clear light energy but offer other tips to help clients navigate their own divine journey.  This obviously isn't for everyone...not everyone is ready for this journey.  Still, there are those who are.  If you have found your way to this blog, chances are you are one of them.  I'd love to hear from you.  (Of course, I will expect $75 investment from you for a session, but it will be worth it.)  Each of us is blessed.  Each of us has money for things we truly desire to have.  Become one with the investment and one with the session...desire it with your heart and soul...the money will show.

In the meantime, I continue to declare and decree the blessings I wrote and shared earlier.  May Mother/Father God (and Mother Earth without who we would not be able to experience physical manifestation the way we do on Earth) Bless you beyond your wildest imaginings every day in every way.  God Bless You, My Brother and Sister Children of Divine Love Intelligence.

So be it.  So it is!

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