Thursday, September 2, 2010

See It There Thursday, September 2, 2010

So, it's the beginning of September and it seems natural to look forward to what may happen this month: people having birthdays, events, etc.

I noticed as I did, how I tend to look at what I appear to "have" in the physical today and determine whether I will see something in the future.

The blessing:  I never seemed quite so conscious about projecting into the future and determining if I would have something or not. 

I have every right and Divine Power to see something there...something I desire to be there for me in my future as I do to not see it there (even if I don't currently know how it will be there).  Seeing it there ensures a higher probability it will be there than not.  And the more I trust it will be there (even if I still don't know how the Universe will make it so), the more likely it shall be.

If you truly wish it to be there...then you have to see it there.

The other thing I noticed today is that I am excited to declare and decree the blessings I wrote about yesterday this morning.  And I decided I would say them once for myself, once for my man and once for all Children of Divine Love.  So I did.  And it felt good.

As the Law of Attraction mentions, the more I put my attention on blessings, the more this expands in my life.  So how awesome.

I then later thought it might be beneficial for me to read the declarations again.  Part of me felt like this is coming from a place of fear.  And that may be so.  However, it doesn't have to be.  I feel this intention helps with that.  The more I declare and decree these blessings as my reality, the more they become my outer reality.  Thus, there will be a day in my future time experience as I continue to make these declarations when I will simply automatically feel and think I am blessed in the way I declare I am blessed now.  And so I am simply bringing that moment into my present moment.

It sort of reminded me about this "tool" (for lack of a better word at the moment) Burt Goldman offers which he calls Quantum Jumping.  Basically it is the process (ahhh, better word in my mind) of who I feel myself to be in the present moment with an alternate self who is already manifest/being what I feel I am not presently.  One of his examples is that his doing this helped him become a professional photographer.  Part of the "magic" of it is it works similar to a tuning fork.  It allows my current self to feel and merge with the vibration of who I desire to experience myself as that I feel I am not currently experiencing myself as.

Just like when you play solitaire and you know every card exists and is available even if the one you need next is somehow not showing up YET...there is a potential me who is already anything or experiencing anything I desire to be or experience even if it isn't my manifested experience yet.  This sort of goes back to what Swami Kriyananda mentioned about removing failure from our consciousness and replacing it with just haven't succeeded YET!

I was surprised but thrilled to see Doreen had already done angel card readings all the way through to Tuesday, September 21st.  I watched them all.  She speaks a lot about our life's purpose.  I feel like it sort of makes sense that we perhaps had a purpose for incarnating each lifetime even though we appear to not know what that purpose is.  And part of me has given up or more or less has not even bothered to figure it out with the sense that "what if I get it wrong?"

It made me feel like what if I don't have to technically know on a "word" level if I instead make it one of my declaration and decrees.  So, I came up with adding the following declarations to those I listed yesterday.  Here it is:

     I declare and decree: I AM blessed by livng and enjoying my life which is in complete, total and harmonious alignment with my divine life purpose.  I love this about my life.  My life is truly blessed and a blessing, as am I.

And so it is.

Thank you.

Love this video below.  Thank you for letting me share.

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