Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Day 52, Tuesday, September 28, 2010

In an earlier post I mentioned starting a work out regiment.  Today I started day 29, my fifth week.

The first four weeks have been a wild ride.  Yet, I feel the experience could be applied to just about any manifestation one is desirous of undertaking.  You see it has only been in about the last week or so that I feel like I have really started to make any outward progress.  And what if I had quit before then?

And it has only been in about the last week or so that I have started feeling like by making forward progress every day, what I desire my outcome to be is actually doable (even if I may not arrive until the end of April, 2011). 

And letting that be okay.  Okay, because in truth I am divine.  I am eternal.  I am loved regardless of what my physical body temple's shape is, etc.

I love my life.  I feel truly blessed.

And so it is.

Friday, September 24, 2010

Day 48, Friday, September 24, 2010

Ever vigilant.  Seems this is still important.

Yesterday, I spent the entire day in bed reading a book...never changed out of my jammies.  On a Thursday!!!

Now in my mind a really healthy mental consciousness...divine perspective would include me simply feeling absolutely blessed and thrilled and glorious that I have the option to do this on a Thursday.  Yet I found myself at times feeling quite guilty about it all.

And speaking of different ways to "view" life (and truly which is right or wrong OR technically should there be a right or wrong and who gets to decide), less than two weeks ago I had the opportunity to watch a movie simply titled, "Adam".  Truth is I probably wouldn't have watched it if not for the fact that my oldest son's name is Adam.  Adam is the main character in the movie and he has Asperger's Syndrome.  I'd never heard of Asperger's, considered a higher functioning form of autism, prior to the movie.

Well, when I was in the library on Wednesday, I found the new Jodi Picoult novel, House Rules, available.  I find her writing to be an enjoyable read.  So without really taking the time to see what the book was about, I simply checked it out and started reading.  This book is about a boy named Jacob who has Asperger's Syndrome.  I loved the book. 

Today, I noticed in my email inbox the first anniversary edition of my friend, Emmanuel Dagher's Minute of Transformation.  The subject: mistakes.  Hmmm!

Truth is I am always divine.  Always.  In every moment...no matter what I am doing.  Divine.  Loved.  Adored.  By ALL THAT IS!

One thing I had mentioned previously was about keeping a journal of noticing things that seem to be "proof" of what it is one is seeking to manifest.  I desire that my mind is in perfect harmony with Divine Mind's idea of perfect wealth.  And this week I have been having some experiences of seeming to feel more wealthy and having money opporunities and cash show up for me.  Whoo hooo!!!!

I'll be honest, I've fallen a bit off of my initial excitement trail when it comes to manifesting my ideal physical body.  Some of the thoughts and feelings I've been having this past week have not been the most harmonious.  And so again, I wish to thank all the beings who are assisting me with my journey for continuing to help me with thoughts of "dreaming until my dreams come true".

I have to say I was a little surprised as I was even somewhat inspired by Kate from the Kate Plus 8.  She has been changing her lifestyle habits in order to help her resculpt her physical body and the results are paying off.  She mentioned that there are many days when she doesn't really feel like going for a run, but she does.

Keep dreaming until your dreams come true.
Do what you want but be who you are.
Inherent in the desire is the mechanics for its fulfillment.

Thank you. 

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Day 45, September 21, 2010

One of my favorite shows is "Psych".  The show is said to take place in Santa Barbara, although it is filmed in Canada.  After watching many seasons and living only two hours away from Santa Barbara, I wished to go there.  On the 18th I finally did.

I loved it.

Beautiful.  Clean.  Loved it.

A nice surprise (at least in my opinion) was the court house.  This is a magnificent building on an entire block.  The photo shows the entrance that leads to the tower which is open to the public (for free) Monday through Saturday from 9 AM to 4:45 PM.  Loved it.

I also had moments of realizing that if I may maintain a weight loss of ten pounds a month, by the time I go to Minnesota for my son's wedding, I will be at the weight my children remember me as being as they were growing up.  That totally seems doable.

So there is a lot to feel good about.  So why does it seem like I am having to try so hard to feel good?

Yesterday, my favorite TV (had picture in picture) conked out.  Even that bummed me out a little.  What seemed like pluses however, is that this TV was a huge older Sony.  So big that it takes two people to move it...two people stronger than me.  It can't do digital, HD or hdmi.  And since it was so heavy and in my bedroom...there it has existed without being moved for years.

Here's the kicker.  As I mentioned, I loved this TV.  I loved the picture in picture.  I loved how big the screen was.  Yet barely a week prior, we had been in Costco and I was marvelling at how much I would love to buy one of the new 48" or bigger flat screen TVs for the living room.  Just couldn't justify it though because we already have too many tvs.  Voila!  Room has been made now for a new TV.

And the bonus is that I was finally able to justify having the TV moved and moving the furniture it sat upon.  And let me just say there was dust.  Dust a plenty that was removed.  And now our bedroom has been cleaned and infused with new energy.  So that is good.

What seems like I have hit is one of those stops along the way where you know where you wish to be (manifesting my divine self in the physical), but not being there yet...frustration.  Especially, since I don't feel like I know what to do next.

I need to keep my eye on the prize.  I guess if nothing else, how good am I able to feel about my destination?  How good will it feel when I finally have reached my destination?  Will it be more awesome than I even imagined?

And as I write this, perhaps my trip to Santa Barbara is the perfect metaphor.  Eleven of us were to go.  We planned this trip over a month in advance to ensure all would be able to attend.  The week before, we did some Mapquesting to ensure we would get there without being lost.  Although, technically we already knew we could simply follow the Pacific Coast Highway signs and reach our destination.  The day of the trip, everyone cancelled.  So thank you times a million to my man, Manny, who went with me anyway.  Once we were there, there were plenty of maps and information booths, etc. to ensure we would have an excellent time.  And yes, it was even more beautiful, clean and wonderful than I expected in my mind.

Two other things helping me keep going: this blog and my "keep dreaming until your dreams come true" sign I made and placed in my home.

Tomorrow is the equinox and a full moon.  I am sharing the video below, because while part of me has this particular vision of what I feel would be a lovely co-creation, another part feels merging with my Higher Self and being this in physical manifestation is more what I really came here to do.  And the video helps me remind myself of this.  And I am very appreciative because currently I feel like I am in great need of this support.  So thank you, thank you, thank you to all for the support to help keep me on track.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Day 40, Thursday, September 16, 2010

On Tuesday (9/14), I read Mr. Losier's book, Law of Attraction.  After being introduced to "The Secret" and playing with consciously and deliberately seeking to master the Law of Attraction in my life, I found his book quite refreshing and helpful.

Belief/Opinion seems to have so much to do with it all.  Truth for me is I don't feel like I would have felt this way about his book three years ago (assuming I'd read it then). 

Anyway, one of the things he mentions is to start a journal, a sort of proof diary, that helps you affirm that what it is you are seeking to attract deliberately through the conscious use of and eventual mastery of the Law of Attraction.  In the journal you write things that happen in your physical experience that seem to correspond to what you are asking for with the deliberate use of the law.

So, I found it interesting that I had been thinking about how one day this week (and most likely yesterday) I would love to make sure I return to Griffith Park to walk the trail  I had intended on going Sunday and in fact, I did go on Sunday.  Denied!  They closed down the park for some event.

Now in the past I would have spent much time debating on what sort of message this meant that when I wanted to walk the trail on Sunday, I couldn't because I was denied.  Most of the musings would revolve around the theme of being wrong or being punished or something like that.  So, if there was a gift for me it was that the park was closed.  And even though I didn't walk the trail, I did get out of the house and ended up buying some great food to bring home that I probably wouldn't have otherwise.

Anyway, Tuesday I received a call from the Children's Hospital in L.A. to please come in and donate platelets...Wednesday if I could.  Well, the Children's Hospital is on Vermont and Sunset.  Vermont is the same street (if you continue travelling north on it from Sunset for a couple of miles) that takes you to the Griffith Park Observatory and where I start the hiking trail.  Well, there you go. 

If I am going to donate platelets and be that close to Griffith Park, of course, I will go to Griffith Park after and walk the trail.

Here was a sort of freaky proof thing.  As I was donating platelets and happily watching a movie I knew would keep me in a joyful place, after about an hour and a half I start to get antsy.  Not wanting to be a pain, I figured for sure I should be done by 1 PM (in about 20 mintues).  At about five mintues to one, the machine starting beeping.  The attendant came to check on me, as the machine usually beeps only if it detects some sort of problem.  Well, I felt fine and so we continued.  However, at 1 PM the machine beeped and my place where they had inserted the needle was starting to hurt.  So, they cut the rest of the donation short.  I would have had another 20 minutes because apparently they always try to get a double batch from me.

Now technically, (and probably for legal reasons) they give you a sheet explaining that one should not do anything strenuous the rest of the day after donating platelets.  This almost had me thinking perhaps I shouldn't go to Griffith Park to walk the trail.  Then part of my mind told me that I felt fine and how strenuous is walking...really?  Of course, I suppose for some walking could be very strenuous.  However, I'd like to think for me this is not the case.  So, I went.

I did have a reason I wished to go to Griffith Park to hike the trail up to the top of Mt. Hollywood.  Let's see...today was my day 17 for my wii fit.  On day 1 when to calibrate, etc. the balance board weighs you and does whatever, I weighed 217 pounds. 

I will write more about the seeming horror of weighing 217 pounds at a later date.  Heck!  I may even write a book about it 'cuz I know I will get back to my average weight from my twenties and thirties of about 135 before the end of April, 2011.

Anyway, I love, love, love the wii fit.  I love how it makes exercising a bit more enjoyable because it seems more like a game then doing something because you hate how your body looks and weighs and so you feel you need to punish it with something you hate, exercise.

The wii fit has this thing where you can walk/jog/run (actually it is more like marching in place for me) around this island on this trail for 10 minutes/20 minutes/30 minutes at a time depending on what you choose.  It is amazing how quickly I was able to get back into some sort of routine with this that felt good to me.  It almost seemed a little too good though.  And so I wanted to see how I would compare feeling by actually walking up hill on the Griffith Park hiking trail. 

My experience seemed to be brutal.  I felt very winded.  At one point I stopped just to sort of catch my breath.  And even though the top of the trail is not much more than a 100 extra yards from Dantes' Lookout area, I stopped there, as well.  Actually, much of the trail is right out in the open in the hot sun and Dantes' has a nice tree grouping and there was a breeze sitting there. 

A little bonus of spending some time there is that you get to see the butterflies and the lizards and the birds and the bugs all doing there thing.  When I did get to the top of Mt. Hollywood, there were more butterflies...beautiful butterflies.  And the view!  The view is breathtaking.  This particular day there were clouds over the ocean.  Low clouds.  I always find it sort of ethereal to feel like I am above clouds looking down on them. 

When I reached the top, I was the only one there.  After a couple of mintues a gentleman joined me.  He started a conversation with me.  First about the weather and then about politics.  Who would I vote for: Meg Whitman or Jerry Brown?  I'd been leaning toward Meg, but this person made some good points about what Jerry Brown might be able to do.

It wasn't long before another guy joined in on our politic conversation.  This person's mom was Buddhist and raised him that way.  Still, I was a little surprised at some of his views.  And yet, when push comes to shove...if I seek to be more my Divine Self in every moment...each belief...each view has merit.  Yes?  Who am I to say my take on how things are is any better or worse than anyone elses?

He mentioned checking out a website, www.ted.com.  And I don't know about any of you reading this, but this guy had on very, very dark sunglasses.  I'm not really sure what I had expected about his eyes, but at one point he lifted his sunglasses and he had the most amazing blue, seriously, piercing blue eyes.  My youngest son has amazing blue eyes that people comment on a lot.  This mans eyes were even more blue and piercing than my son's.  (FYI, I write this as much for my wanting to remember as to share).

Now I'd been meditating and had let it slide.  I guess if I wanted to take one thing from this chance meeting (he was dreaming me and I was dreaming him), it was his suggestion of not letting meditation slide.  Twenty minutes in the morning and twenty minutes at night for the next fourteen days.  If I would take up this "gauntlet", he was sure I would then desire to continue with meditating after the fourteen days.  So...we'll see.

Here's the last thing I wish to remember/share.  I was in my pj's later that night watching a little TV and wishing I had something sweet to eat...how much I'd love a little nosh.  For I would think fairly obvious reasons, I didn't have any sweets in my home (not to mention my boyfriend just doesn't do sweets as they don't do anything for him).  Yet about an hour later I heard someone calling my name from outside my bedroom window.  It was one of our niece's.  Knowing how much I love cake, she had brought me a slice from her son's low-key birthday celebration.  Not just any cake, but ice cream cake.  Yum!  My favorite.

I love the way the Universe is continuously blessing me in such divine and wonderful ways.

Can you feel it? 

Monday, September 13, 2010

Day 37, Monday, September 13, 2010

One of the things I have sometimes done and then wondered why my life doesn't change much is reading a book but not really taking the time to practice (and give it a chance) what is suggested in the book.

Anyway, there is a gal born in Santa Barbara, spent much time in Europe (she has a sort of french accent) and is now living in Chicago...living the Juicy life.  She does these videos on YouTube I have been following.  Her most recent video talks about a book, Law of Attraction, by Michael J. Losier, that tells you how to use the Law of Attraction by doing these lists.  And Lilou Mace actually sat down with one of her trusted friends and made the lists.

Good for her.  And I love one of the insights she shares about practicing this list making in the video below.  I hope you enjoy the video.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Beginning of Week 6, September 12, 2010


What should I write today?

I really simply wish to include the below video from Abraham Hicks about the year 2012.

Today is considered International Angel Day according to Doreen Virtue.  I love watching her daily oracle card videos.  It makes me feel sort of like all the angelic kingdom is cheering me on.  And I love that today's card is "Believe and Trust".  Archangel Michael, please enter my dreams and remove fear.  Trust the messages that come through.  Trust the ideas that come to my heart.

I have been doing the decrees and declarations every day (to see them visit my blog post from Day 25, God Bless You).  I have been loving that I am doing them first with myself in mind, then rereading them with my boyfriend in mind (I change the "I" as I read to his name) and then I read them and change the "I" to "Every Child of God".

In the process, I am noticing how much I actually during the course of the day tend to see other children of God as being less than the Divine Truth of who they are (just as I do with me and my boyfriend).  What will my life be like when I ONLY see them as being equal to their Divine Truth (and me and my boyfriend)?

And I love as I have been pondering these thoughts that in a way I know it will be awesome and amazing for me in my life when I arrive at this "ONLY" place...yet there appears to be no hurry about it.  I am at peace with simply allowing myself to make these decrees and declarations once a day and letting the power of their vibration change my consciousness one step at a time (so to speak), especially considering that even though this is already the beginning of week 6, I still have about ten more weeks to go before I finish with this particular Divine Focus Journey.

I love what Abraham Hicks says about this being an expanding experience.

Here's today's quote from their website:
     "Genius.  It is just attention to something specific.  That's all it is.  LAW OF ATTRACTION makes it happen, and so anyone who gives attention to any subject for a period of time will evolve in the direction of that understanding."

In my opinion what Ms. Hicks mentions is pretty much like saying as long as I keep my vision focused on Divine Truth (which includes joy, love and appreciation...blessings) the sky is the limit for the blessings which may and will be experienced on this glorious planet hand-in-hand with beloved Mother Earth.

Speaking of which, I take this moment to connect my heart with the heart of Mother Earth and send her some love and appreciation for all the ways she allows us to experience spirit in form by being in her presence.  I love you, Mother Earth.

Double speaking of which, I take this next moment to connect my heart with the heart of all who end up reading my blog.  For in Truth there is no space or time.  So when you connect with this, you connect with me and then we are sharing each others presence.  So I thank you for sharing with me.  I feel blessed and honored to share your presence.  I love you.

Here's the Abraham Hicks video:

Friday, September 10, 2010

Day 34, Think Thoughts That Feel Great Friday, September 10, 2010


So...where do I begin?

So...I love my life.  I love my life.  Really, I love my life.

That's right...think it until you really feel it.  Don't look out at what is going on in the physical and decide you can't believe this is true.  Say it like you really mean it and this is the truth of your life every magnificent present moment.

Get funky with it!  Really make it work for you.  Become so present with feeling that you love your life that you actually feel the energy of it radiating from every molecule of your being.

Everyone has this power.  Anyone may do it.  The power to choose love and express it...really feel it...without seeming conditions.

I find something that really gets me in this place of letting go and really getting into the feeling of feeling great (and I chose great for a reason...that's because I agree with Rhonda Byrne in her book, "The Power", which is something along the lines of good/okay really isn't good enough...if we knew how amazing we could feel in every moment...we'd never settle for good)...anyway, listening to songs with blues guitar.  I know that sounds like a paradox, but there is something about a song with some great blues guitar in it that really moves through me and makes me feel almost giddy with delight.

I am going to share some brutal honesty with all of you right now.  I say that I AM an Advanced Clear Light Practitioner.  This is basically true.  I have taken the classes.  I have practiced and completed the internship.  And I have to say that Clear Light energy really kicked my butt and caused me to look at some things in my life and sort of forced me to let them go or else keep on feeling something that isn't in line with divine love/clear light energy.  And as an advanced practitioner, I am able to teach the process and create other clear light practitioners.

Still...I haven't had one paying client.  I know part of it is because we are to stick to charging/requesting an energetic investment of at least $75/session.  And I have been having a hard time justifying someone paying $75 for 45 minutes of clear light energy transmission from me.  In other words, how may I answer your question "What is so great about clear light energy that I should be willing to give you $75 in exchange for a session?"  I just felt like I didn't have a good enough answer.  Here's sort of the kicker, what I was willing to pay to learn it.  Although in all fairness to me, I was willing to pay what I paid because it wasn't so much about receiving a session of clear light energy to benefit me in some way, it was more about an investment in a career choice.  Being a "Light Worker" as we are sometimes called seems like my calling.  And as much as I feel like it isn't, it is the one thing I am passionate about.

Then yesterday it popped in my mind the benefit of clear light energy.  Before I get into it, I want to further explain my feeling about a session, benefits and my current philosophy about all of the "light worker" stuff.

More and more I truly believe that ultimately I am not really able to "make" you feel better, although I certainly can play the illusion game that this is so.  Knowing this truth, further shackles my sense of fair play when it comes to clear light energy sessions because I believe a Master doesn't do "it" for someone else...a Master teaches another how to do it for them self.  You know, I don't fish for you, I show you how to fish so you will forever be able to feed your self.

I do truly believe that if you came to me as a client, I could help you feel better (which I believe if you synthesize down pretty much any reason for visiting someone in this sort of capacity or even when you visit a Doctor because you have some perceived dis-ease, it is because you know you could feel better and you desire to feel better and you want help with this).  Not to mention that someone else is usally much more detached about whatever it is you feel may be your "dis-ease" (whether physical, mental, emotional or spiritual) and thus, even if you truly have the capacity (which you do) to "heal" your self and make your self feel better, SomeONE ELSE may be more equipped in a given moment to help you see the forest for the trees...if you know what I mean.

Maybe I need to let go of deciding what a client will do with the energy transmission and simply be the conduit.  After all, when a person cleans them self as they take a shower, the pipe that delivers the water doesn't get involved with how the water is used that comes out of the pipe.  It simply delivers.  Yet, I truly wish to help and feel like I have helped my clients.  Go figure!

Here's the thought I had yesterday that more or less popped in my mind from Mother/Father God only knows where: "Clear Light Energy Transmissions/Sessions plant a seed in the recipient."  Sort of like everything needed for the mighty oak to grow and flourish is included in the acorn and it is the future pull of the mighty oak that compels the acorn to become the oak...well, receiving transmissions of clear light energy is like reminding your being of what it feels like to be in harmony with its divine potential.  And the more you receive these transmissions, the more your being craves to harmonize with this energy compelling you to no longer pay "attention" to anything of a disharmonious frequency.

As I embark on this journney of divine focus, I am equipped to help others (sort of like a tour guide) to not only transmit clear light energy but offer other tips to help clients navigate their own divine journey.  This obviously isn't for everyone...not everyone is ready for this journey.  Still, there are those who are.  If you have found your way to this blog, chances are you are one of them.  I'd love to hear from you.  (Of course, I will expect $75 investment from you for a session, but it will be worth it.)  Each of us is blessed.  Each of us has money for things we truly desire to have.  Become one with the investment and one with the session...desire it with your heart and soul...the money will show.

In the meantime, I continue to declare and decree the blessings I wrote and shared earlier.  May Mother/Father God (and Mother Earth without who we would not be able to experience physical manifestation the way we do on Earth) Bless you beyond your wildest imaginings every day in every way.  God Bless You, My Brother and Sister Children of Divine Love Intelligence.

So be it.  So it is!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Day 32, Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Still committed to this journey.

Only other thing I wish to share is desire.  Desire as something that wells up in us as what we would love to be, do or have in our life.  I desire this.  I didn't realize how much, but I do.  It appears it is that sort of desire that will assure this journey unfolds perfectly and successfully.

Keep dreamin' until your dreams come true.

Whoo hoo!

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Thermometer, Day 29, Sunday, September 5, 2010

So, another day in paradise? 

Last night I had a little incident and this morning I knew things could be a little unsettling on the home front.  As I was in bed pondering getting up, I was thinking about all of this and realizing I can be the thermometer.  By this I mean I have set my thermostat to divine, blessed and love.  If things seem to dip to something less than that then as quickly as possible my thermostat kicks in.  My HVAC sets in motion what it needs to do energetically to bring me back to feeling divine, blessed and love.  This isn't normally how I might have "played" this game of life.  It's how I desire to play it now.

Ms. Byrne, in her book "The Power" has a section where she mentions she thinks of our brother and sister children of God as PETs, Personal Emotional Trainers.  As much as I am not happy for a blip in the road with an unsettling situation, I may be happy that it allows me the ability to practice my mastery and see just how committed I am to my journey.

And with that I will continue on in paradise today seeking to feel as divine, loved and blessed as I am able to be conscious to be in every given, glorious moment of now.  Every moment I have the choice to feel any feeling I desire and I am not obligated (as much as collective consciousness might wish for me to feel otherwise) to feel anything I do not desire to feel.

May the blessings be.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

End of Week 4

So, I am listening to Eric Clapton (love him) play Forever Man..."How many times must I tell you I love you?"

How many times must I hear that I have to see myself with it, as it, etc.?  There's a part in the movie, Spanglish (loved this movie...cried when I saw it in the theater), where the main character alters Adam Sandler's daughter in the movie...her clothes.  She tells the girl, "just try it on" 'cuz the girl doesn't expect them to fit her.  And she, Flor, continues to tell her to try them on until she does and the girl finds they do, in fact, fit. 

What have I told myself I shouldn't try on 'cuz I don't think it is going to fit (metaphorically)?  Sort of the same thing as you wish to imagine yourself as something but don't even let yourself get to far into the dream before the words "get real" surface.  This is the we are all created equal part.  We all can dream until our dreams come true.  Keep dreamin'.  Keep having the same dream and it builds a vortex of energy around you that truly does make you magnetic. 

And while I always feel like I am writing this to some mythical someone out there who may be reading this, I write this for me too.  I woke this morning feeling a little frustrated about what I seem to be manifesting in the last four weeks.  And yet, I still have 11 weeks left for this journey and what is it I think I wish to manifest by the end of the journey?  Is not having it now going to make me unsafe?  Will I stop breathing or eating or functioning?  I don't think so.

I did some de-cluttering today and talk about a way to see how much one has...man.  If I had to move all of this stuff, pack it up and so on.  And my man and I when we moved into this home started with literally nothing.  And the best part...it's all bought and paid for.  So, I have so much to be blessed for.

Mostly, though, I really wish to remind myself to simply continue to try it on...whatever it is.  One day soon then it will be my manifest experience.

And I don't know why (and maybe it is too much sharing), but I listened to the video rendition of the Clapton song I am including at the end of this post and it made me cry.  What's up with that?  Maybe I should simply love that it moved me that much.  And I certainly feel blessed to have had the opportunity to hear the song.

Okay, it won't let me embed it.  So, if you wish to hear it, click here.

Since I couldn't embed the other video, it's a great excuse to share the video below...so many things I love: Eric Clapton, B B King, Blues Guitar, Chicago and the song, "Sweet Home Chicago".  Enjoy.

Friday, September 3, 2010

Fun-damental Friday, Day 27, September 3, 2010

So, I wanted to recreate my high from last week after reading "The Power" by Rhonda Byrne...so I glanced through the book again.  Loved it.

Our lives were meant to be amazing moment-to-moment...not just good enough.  I'm not sure that I 100% agree with that or why would we supposedly choose to incarnate into families with issues of various sorts like we do.

It would seem that each moment may potentially be anything based on our consciousness.  We forget we have this power and then reconnect with Divine Truth of how amazing each of us are--inherently (not based on our job and our possessions) and what we are capable of co-creating.

And I have to say that some of my beliefs are pretty well entrenched.  If all I did was spend time having fun, would I ever get anything done.  How would I "make" money?  Etc.  It the truth is that we have the ability to co-create (bring spirit into form) simply from our thoughts and feelings when we become that masterful at co-creation...then one wouldn't have to have a job in order to see themselves with money.  At least that seems logical to me.

I don't see too many new age sages coming right out and saying this is so, although one of the Abraham books did mention this in passing.  So briefly and without much explanation that one could miss it, but it was there.

Sometimes I wonder if I really would be able to say what is "fun" for me because I focus on it so little.

Anyway, I love, love, love Ms. Byrne's new book, "The Power".  It has me more thrilled about this journey of focusing on Divine Love.  And it has me realizing even more...being more awake...more conscious of how much I may think of others (remember the Law of One) in a way that is not feeling love for them or feeling blessing or appreciation for them.  In realizing this, I have the opportunity to change and choose how I think and feel about them when they pop in my mind.

Imagine feeling love, blessed and appreciation all day long (okay, wealthy too).  This is exciting to me.

And this also reminded me (how I think about another and wishing to simply choose to think of others with love, appreciation and blessing) about something I read about the innate telepathy of all Children of Mother/Father God and Divine Love.  We may think we aren't telepathic, but I believe it is true that we can sense what others think and feel about us AND others can sense what we think and feel about them.

What I read mentions telepathy works more in pictures than words.  Nonetheless, the vibe is what translates in my opinion.  What I found interesting was that if we are giving, radiating, thinking, feeling (whatever word works for you) love for others, while this is going on...another sending us some telepathic vibe that is in disharmony with love may not penetrate our being.  In other words, sending out love vibrations is like a sheild that allows bullets of disharmonious vibrations to simply fall away.  For a visual think of the ending of the movie, "Matrix", when Neo is being shot at but he has become enough of a Master now where the bullets just fall to the floor before reaching him.

And with that, I send you love and wish you all the blessings in your life you would love to experience.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

See It There Thursday, September 2, 2010

So, it's the beginning of September and it seems natural to look forward to what may happen this month: people having birthdays, events, etc.

I noticed as I did, how I tend to look at what I appear to "have" in the physical today and determine whether I will see something in the future.

The blessing:  I never seemed quite so conscious about projecting into the future and determining if I would have something or not. 

I have every right and Divine Power to see something there...something I desire to be there for me in my future as I do to not see it there (even if I don't currently know how it will be there).  Seeing it there ensures a higher probability it will be there than not.  And the more I trust it will be there (even if I still don't know how the Universe will make it so), the more likely it shall be.

If you truly wish it to be there...then you have to see it there.

The other thing I noticed today is that I am excited to declare and decree the blessings I wrote about yesterday this morning.  And I decided I would say them once for myself, once for my man and once for all Children of Divine Love.  So I did.  And it felt good.

As the Law of Attraction mentions, the more I put my attention on blessings, the more this expands in my life.  So how awesome.

I then later thought it might be beneficial for me to read the declarations again.  Part of me felt like this is coming from a place of fear.  And that may be so.  However, it doesn't have to be.  I feel this intention helps with that.  The more I declare and decree these blessings as my reality, the more they become my outer reality.  Thus, there will be a day in my future time experience as I continue to make these declarations when I will simply automatically feel and think I am blessed in the way I declare I am blessed now.  And so I am simply bringing that moment into my present moment.

It sort of reminded me about this "tool" (for lack of a better word at the moment) Burt Goldman offers which he calls Quantum Jumping.  Basically it is the process (ahhh, better word in my mind) of who I feel myself to be in the present moment with an alternate self who is already manifest/being what I feel I am not presently.  One of his examples is that his doing this helped him become a professional photographer.  Part of the "magic" of it is it works similar to a tuning fork.  It allows my current self to feel and merge with the vibration of who I desire to experience myself as that I feel I am not currently experiencing myself as.

Just like when you play solitaire and you know every card exists and is available even if the one you need next is somehow not showing up YET...there is a potential me who is already anything or experiencing anything I desire to be or experience even if it isn't my manifested experience yet.  This sort of goes back to what Swami Kriyananda mentioned about removing failure from our consciousness and replacing it with just haven't succeeded YET!

I was surprised but thrilled to see Doreen had already done angel card readings all the way through to Tuesday, September 21st.  I watched them all.  She speaks a lot about our life's purpose.  I feel like it sort of makes sense that we perhaps had a purpose for incarnating each lifetime even though we appear to not know what that purpose is.  And part of me has given up or more or less has not even bothered to figure it out with the sense that "what if I get it wrong?"

It made me feel like what if I don't have to technically know on a "word" level if I instead make it one of my declaration and decrees.  So, I came up with adding the following declarations to those I listed yesterday.  Here it is:

     I declare and decree: I AM blessed by livng and enjoying my life which is in complete, total and harmonious alignment with my divine life purpose.  I love this about my life.  My life is truly blessed and a blessing, as am I.

And so it is.

Thank you.

Love this video below.  Thank you for letting me share.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Day 25, God Bless You, September 1, 2010

So...my aunt and uncle had a garage sale last Saturday.  One of the things they were selling was this Louise Hay "You Can Heal Your Life" kit (for lack of a better word) that I had given them almost five years ago.

What is interesting to me with my new found understanding of the Law of One, is how much I would see everyone who didn't appear to be on the spiritual path and seemed less than healthy and perfect well-being in manifestation, well, I thought I was serving them by pointing out to them they needed to get on the spirituality train.

I see now how this has a few flaws.  First, I am seeing them not as the truth of who they are: Divine Children of the Mother/Father God.  Second, I am somehow also affirming something is wrong with their life.  And I have to say that one thing I really don't like to experience is someone else telling me how my life is somehow wrong.  What if it is not?  And technically no one's life is wrong because their life presents perfectly based on the thoughts and feelings they present to presence.

It is certainly an affirmation for simply being who I desire to be (Divine) and then if someone says to me that they see how my life is working and they wish to emulate that, "what am I doing?"  Then that is the time to share with them what I am doing.  Otherwise it is simply for me to love them.  Okay, these are my beliefs currently.

What I find interesting is that there is a Master who mentioned the only "I AM" phrase a Master would ever utter is "I AM Blessed."

And I say that because it is interesting how we may have prejudices we don't even realize.  Take Joel Osteen for instance.  In a way he does not fit my idea of a "New Age" messenger.  Yet, what I share with you at the end of this blog post is based on something Joel Osteen wrote on the subject declaring blessings.

So as I have been declaring these blessings in my life the last couple of days since finding the paper I left for my Aunt and Uncle in the "kit", I find it interesting how I somehow understood the value of declaring these blessings, yet I didn't trust them enough to really commit to them any more than my aunt and uncle obviously trusted the declarations or the "kit" would make a beneficial change in what shows up in their life.

As I was repeating these declarations this morning it occurred to me that not only does one need to trust making these declarations will bring them to pass in manifestation in one's life, but it probably makes a difference if then one begins to look for the evidence of them manifesting (attention) instead of looking for evidence that  the declarations will have no positive effect in their life.  Anyway, it just seems a little psycho for one to declare blessings and then look for evidence that they are in fact not blessed and then wonder where all the blessing are at as they are not "receiving" blessings?  What sort of crazy mixed up message does that send to the Universe?

And now...ta da...without further ado...here are the declarations (as you are declaring and decreeing, you may wish to imagine that the very voice, power, love and light of Mother/Father God are included...are present as you state these declarations - similar to the way Jesus, the Christ was able to create for Jesus, the Christ had 100% knowing and confidence that the word creates...that the word like a seed contained the very vibration necessary to create in manifestation what the word describes...AND you may wish to make these declarations from the perspective of YOU as your own Higher Self, your Christ Self...your Self that is a contemporary with Jesus, the Christ...all He can do You can and more...as it is written)  God Bless YOU:

  • I declare and decree: I AM valuable to All That Is.  I AM loved by All That Is.
  • I declare and decree:  Mother/Father God has a great plan for MY life today and every day.
  • I declare and decree:  I have the favor of Mother/Father God in my life NOW (always did). 
  • I declare and decree:  The blessings of Mother/Father God are one with me in every present moment now.
  • I declare and decree:  I AM excited about this moment, today and my future.
  • I declare and decree:  Every day I AM more and more in perfect harmony with my Higher Self.  Thus, I AM more and more an expression in physical manifestation of the Glory of my Higher Self.
  • I declare and decree: Mother/Father God's goodness in my life right now.  This is my experience.  I AM blessed.
  • I declare and decree: Mother/Father God's face is smiling on me...loving me...blessing me.  This is not bragging.  Simply Mother/Father God's message that we are blessed when we declare it is so.
  • I declare and decree:  I AM blessed with Mother/Father God's supernatural wisdom.  I have clear direction for my life now.
  • I declare and decree:  I AM blessed with creativity and courage, with ability, health, wealth, well-being and abundance.
  • I declare and decree:  I AM blessed with a strong will and with self-control and self-discipline.
  • I declare and decree:  I AM blessed with great family, great friends, great health, great wealth and Mother/Father God's favor and fulfillment.
  • I declare and decree:  I AM blessed with success, supernatural strength and fitness in my body temple, promotion and with Divine Safety.
  • I declare and decree:  I AM blessed with an open and loving heart and with a divine outlook on life.
  • I declare and decree:  any curse EVER spoken over me, any negative, disharmonious vibration (in whatever form) that has come against me, is dissolved right now, including the ones I have spoken about myself.
  • I declare and decree:  I AM blessed in the city and the country, in the world and the Universe.  I AM blessed when I go in and when I come out.  I AM blessed and a blessing to Mother/Father God.  Being blessed in...I am blessed in physical manifestation, as well.
  • I declare and decreeEVERYthing I  touch is prospering and succeeding NOW (even if I only touch it with my thoughts, words, heart or love).
  • I declare and decree:   I AM blessed by living and enjoying my life which is in complete, total and harmonious alignment with my divine life purpose.  I love this about my life.  My life is truly blessed, as AM I.
  • I declare and decree:  I AM blessed with glorious, divine, amazing, wonderful fiscal fitness and physical fitness in my life that I love.  I AM the glorious, perfect expression of my Divine Being in body, mind, spirit, soul, love, blessings, health, wealth, well-being and manifestation.
  • I declare and decree:  I AM blessed with an abundant flow of cash, money and wealth (which are simply spirit in form) to me, for me, for my enjoyment and all the amazing, blessed things I may exchange money for while I enjoy my earth journey.  I AM blessed with more and more money coming to me from many different streams from the ONE SOURCE of ALL THAT IS: millions and millions.  This may seem like a lot of money, yet I vow not to lend or borrow.  A home may have an investment value of a million dollars or more.  I know I AM blessed enough that Mother/Father God would love for me to own my home and any other physical item that is joy and love to me.  This may seem like a lot of money, yet SOURCE is unlimited...the epitome of wealth...forever blessed circulating with love.  It feels so GREAT and I feel so very, very blessed to have my mind in perfect divine harmony NOW with Divine Mind's wealth consciousness.
  • I declare and decree:  I AM blessed to be experieincing the full integration of my I AM Presence NOW.  I AM blessed to be experiencing my SELF within the heart of Mother/Father God.  I AM blessed to be experiencing my SELF as one with all life.  I AM blessed to be experiencing my SELF with my 12-strand DNA activated to the maximum cosmic law will allow in any given, glorious present moment of NOW.
  • I declare and decree:  I AM blessed to be experieincing my SELF as my true puzzle piece NOW within the collective as this world leader and ambassador of Light, which is simply another word for Divine Love.  I AM blessed to be experiencing my SELF in service to all life while a little surprised at how GREAT it feels to be doing so.  My Divine Embodiment is ALL THAT I AM.  Happy...happy...joy...joy! 
  • I declare and decree:  I AM deliciously blessed NOW and always by Mother/Father God, the Universe, Mother Earth, the Archangelic League of Light, the Ascended Masters and ALL THAT IS.
  • I declare and decree:  I have learned to speak blessings over my life, my friends and my future...for as the Law of One states: it doesn't matter who I declare blessing over, declaring for another is like declaring for self.
  • I declare and decree: I receive these words with love and appreciation into my being NOW.  I allow them to penetrate and enlighten my heart and mind with Divine Love.  As these declarations more and more become the reality of my inner being, they more and more become the reality of my outer physical being and experience.  Thank You, Mother Earth for allowing me to enjoy your physical being.
  • NOW I know Mother/Father God provides EVERYTHING I desire for me to live my life FULL of abundance, full of providence promised me.  Having declared and decreed these blessings, the blessings must be.  Thank You, Mother/Father God.  And so it is!