Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Dream On, Day 24

Today's angel message: enjoy every present moment.

So, I haven't felt the need to share for a couple of days.  I was on such a love bubble Friday.  This morning I awoke feeling fairly blissful only to take a look at my mail and find a little something that showed up I wasn't so crazy about.

Here's where following the path of mastery helps.  I have so many choices as to how I may perceive this situation.  And I have so many choices as to how I would love to see (create, expect) this situation be resolved (reSOLVED).  Even though one part of my being initially viewed this as something to be not so crazy about, what if like in the book, "The Power" I choose to see it as a blessing.

The "situation" had to do with my bank account.  I've been listening to the "M Power Me" (video posted earlier on this blog).  Words from the video filtered through my being.  Presence responds to everything presented to it (all my thoughts and feelings) and I mean everything.  I could see over the last couple of weeks the many times that despite understanding this I had still been thinking/feeling thoughts of lack.  I also heard the words from it, "I AM an excellent money manager".

Truth is I technically did everything right to not warrant an overdraft.  The breakdown was that I thought my agreement with the person I sent the check to on when she could present it was apparently not clear.  Also, my understanding the bank will accept checks even if they are post dated was not clear.  Here's one place I feel I may be proud of me, I was not in this to place blame, but simply to find a solution.  The answer is always love and blessings.

What sustained me the most is I really had acted in full faith and as an excellent money manager and I had proof of this to present to the banker.  I made sure to send love to the entire situation.  I chose to see this as a blessing, especially since I saw how my thoughts and feelings helped create this.  It was helping me see on a very conscious level how much I still am carrying poverty consciousness...and that is so not my desire.  While I know I may ask for Divine help and Divine Intervention to assist me with being more in harmony with wealth consciousness...still I AM the ultimate be all/end all as to choosing what thoughts to think or feelings to feel.  This is where the mastery comes in.  This is where being more conscious...more awake comes in.

This is in no way to say I am right or wrong OR that anyone reading this needs to feel right or wrong about being more awake...more conscious.  It's more to say that every moment we are effecting presence with our vibration.  We are free to offer any vibration to presence with no judgment.  It's just that if we say we desire "x" but aren't willing to be vigilant that our thoughts and feelings are in harmony with our desire...well, then we aren't being an excellent thought/feeling manager is all.  God is going to love us unconditionally and divinely regardless.

As I sat in the bank waiting to speak to a banker, I was simply thinking and feeling thoughts of blessings and wealth for the bank, myself and everyone in the bank.  And thank you so much to the banker who helped me.  He listened and he did reverse my overdraft charge.

I have to say that I noticed there is a lot of distrust energy around banks.  They don't trust their clients and most clients think they are simply out to gouge them.  What if more people could bless and love this relationship and bless and love the services the banks provide?  I'm just sayin'!

Anywhoo...if you are reading this, you most likely know this blog is about my 108-day journey of being focused on divinity.  I AM Divine and I AM in harmony with all that means.  I wrote I would continue to declare and decree "I AM Divine" until this becomes my manifest experience.  So, I was tickled when I heard the song by Aerosmith, "Dream On" on the radio as I was returning home.  I "heard" the lyric "dream until your dreams come true" as if they were written specifically for me.

This thought moved my mind to something I read written by L. Ron Hubbard, founder of Scientology.  Mr. Hubbard was a champion for arts and artists.  There are some amazing Scientology buildings in the Hollywood area.  They also have occasional seminars.  I took a beginning class.  Wasn't really for me.  Yet, I must say that one thing I do admire about Mr. Hubbard's teaching was his understanding of the power of clarity to the extent he would define words in his text to ensure all who read them were on the same page as he.  Taking the class put me on their mailing list.  Even though I have asked to be removed, I still receive magazines and such from them.  Somtimes, I'll page through and see if there is an L. Ron Hubbard article.  One article mentioned much the same thing and corresponds to Deepak Chopra's quote, "Inherent in the desire is the mechanics for its fulfillment."  In other words, every desire is manifestable.

I may create a physical life that is in harmony with Divine Love, moment-to-moment.  I simply must stay aligned with this...keep dreaming until my dreams come true.

Which had me pondering how much we are all willing to stay in disharmony with love...almost as if the "Light" is to be feared...almost as if too much love is something to be afraid of or worry about.  Which had me pondering why it seems "okay" to create something seemingly "bad" or "unwanted" with our thoughts and feelings, but somehow it is not okay to create something "good" or "desired" simply with our thoughts and feelings?  Almost like we deserve the bad more than we deserve the good.

Yet the truth is we are always creating with our thoughts and feelings.  And God has never said we have to think more bad thoughts and thoughts about what we don't want, etc.  I am entitled to expect money to flow to me easily and effortlessly (leaving the how to the Universe) as much as I am entitled to expect no money to come to me except in certain very limited ways...you know I've jumped through this hoop or that, I have earned it, I deserve it, blah, blah, blah.  I am entitled to vision myself with all the cash I desire and more (leaving the how to the Universe) knowing as I place this vision into presence it manifests in the same sort of way that placing visions of lack into presence manifest lack for me.

The Universe doesn't interpret presence any more than my laptop knows what to present on my screen if I didn't direct it to present on my screen.

Which got me to thinking why we are such a people of questioning our desires.  It seems to me that most desires occur because we on some level feel like it would be wonderful to experience that desire.  How do we know if that desire would feel joyful unless we experience it.  If we experience and it isn't joyful, shouldn't we cease defining that as a failure or a mistake?  Wouldn't truth be more that we thought we would enjoy it and we didn't for whatever reason.  And it wasn't a waste of time.  We are eternal.  And in a way, time well spent that we now know this was not joy for us and so we may move to the next thing we desire we feel may be joy to us.

Well, this is getting long.  I feel like I said all I desired to.

I appreciate all the help and support I receive.  I am thrilled I have the opportunity to try out the wii fit.  I manifest all I desire through love.  I AM Blessed.  And so it is.

I am the Glory of God in perfect expression.  I thank God and All That Is for helping me return to the perfection from which I was originally created...Mother/Father God's Divine Blueprint for me.  And thank you, Mother Earth, for allowing me to experience divinity/spirit in physical manifestation with you.

I AM blessed and so it is.

Friday, August 27, 2010

Day 20, Friday, August 27, 2010

I am currently loving the Power of Love.

It's a litle amazing in a way (of course, we make up the stories of our life and so...) that what I feel like I have been searching for in the last fifteen years or so was culminated in reading "The Power" yesterday. 

Yesterday was my no longer in this world as my physical father's birthday.  We had a very interesting dynamic and he was the object for a lot of my hatred in this life.  He left this earth plane in 1997. So who knows.  He could be reincarnated by now or soon returning.  In the last couple of years I feel I have totally made my peace with him because I have a broader view of who he is and our role with each other from a Spiritual standpoint.  So, to have yesterday be what it was on his birthday just seems glorious.  For all you think someone is your enemy or hindrance, etc., in truth they love you so very, very much and we are always so very, very loved and adored and blessed.  Thank you, to my soulmate who previously in this lifetime played the role of my physical father.  Please forgive me for all the hate and rage I sent your way that seemed so real feeling to me.  I send you only love and the most Divine Blessings for you and your life.  You are God's child.  I love you.

I also wish to send a huge shout out to Archangel Michael.  You continue to walk my path with me.  Not sure why, but thrilled about it just the same.  Thank you.  I appreciate the message today of "Let Go of Fear...Now" because I am on the perfect path for me.  And to stand strong on this path with confidence and love.  Continue to see Divine Love everywhere in everyone and everything.  For in truth ALL is Spirit in Form.  There is ONLY spirit, regardless of what label you wish to place on anyone or anything.

And I am still thrilled with finding out that my Guardian Angel's name is Jovial.  I love you, too.

And a huge shout out to my man, Manny.  Actually, his given name is Manuel, pronounced "man-well".  I love that as I have been seeking to heal my relationship with my brother and sister children of God (how I see others and release judging them), I have a constant reminder that the truth of all of us is we are well.  He has been perfect for me in my life.  And he just goes right on loving me even if he may or may not understand everything about me (and/or agree or disagree) with everything.

One of the things Ms. Byrne mentions in "The Power" book is that she wakes up each morning and enjoys about 15 minutes of thinking and feeling the coming day going well and really amplifying her feeling of love.  I don't feel like I did exactly what she does, but I did use the suggestion to think about things in my past that could help me amplify my feeling of love for the coming day.  It was sort of crazy.  Crazy in the sense that when we let ourselves we may think that we have nothing to feel loving or appreciative about.  And while I am going to more or less be letting go of labeling myself as being fifty for the sake of my body temple and its well-being, truth is this lifetime I have been here so far a bit over fifty physical earth years.  And in that time, as I started remembering moments from my past that are in harmony with love, "WOW"!  There are quite a few.  I barely touched the tip of the ice berg.  I could probably enjoy more than an hour on all the moments of love with just one of my children...never mind both of them and the relationships I've enjoyed, etc.

That's all.

TTFN (ta ta for now), as Tigger was known to say.

Feelin' the love!  Ain't it grand?

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Day 19, The Answer Is Love

Thrilled today.

I was to listen.  And I heard the answer, "love".

Wasn't going to read the follow-up to "The Secret" (The Power), but I did.  Loved it.  And loved how simple it makes what I am seeking to do with this 108-day journey.

Divine Love.  See it.  Feel it.  Acknowledge it in myself and everyone and everything (for it is the TRUTH, all physical matter is spirit in form).  The more I do this in every moment, the more I am in harmony with Divine Love and the more I will flow it and be it and experience it and enjoy it and be so very, very appreciative for the choice to focus on Divine Love.

Whoo hoo!!!

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Day 17, Tuesday, August 24, 2010 - Full Moon

Today's insight seems to be the following:

I have it backwards.

I determine whether I am good enough or worthy enough, etc. based on what I have and what I am doing in the moment in terms of collective consciousness...current societal mores and the like.

Truth is...I AM THAT I AM!  I AM Divine.  I AM BLESSED.

In other words, I am not a well-being because of what I eat...I am a well-being because I AM THAT I AM, a Divine, Beloved, Blessed Child of God.

In other words, I am not wealthy, rich, abundant, unlimited, Co-Creator, etc. 'cuz of what I do or what I have...I AM THAT I AM!!!  I love me.  I love Mother/Father God.  I love Mother Earth.  I love the ONE I AM unconditionally.  I AM BLESSED!  I AM wealthy, rich, abundant, unlimited, Co-Creator because I AM Divine NOW...eternal...Bliss.

As I see me, know me, experience me as this truth...Being Divine...I AM.

Be still and know...God and I are ONE.

Thus, anytime I judge myself as "less than" in thought, word or deed, I AM not seeing myself as Divine.  That is sin.  That is the sin Don Miguel Ruiz refers to in his book, The Four Agreements.  And anytime I look at another child of God and think they are judging me as "less than" in thought, word or deed, I AM not seeing myself as Divine.  (Seriously, how do I know what they are thinking about me?)  Plus, I AM not honoring their divinity by assuming they see me as "less than".  AND...if that weren't enough...when I look at them and see anything "less than" their divine truth, I have lost my focus for keeping my attention on Divine Love.

I won't go into any details about why I ended up at the Self-Realization Fellowship Center in Pacific Palisades, but I was there.  It was here that I noticed how I judged others as thinking certain things about me which were "less than" the truth of me.

In this very peaceful place, it occurred to me that if I would simply see each person I encounter as Divine and pretend I recognize their 3-fold flame heart (see picture above) in them without any attention on what they may be thinking of me.

I am having an "issue" with another and wish to transcend it in the most divine way possible.  I understand I have my free will and they have theirs.  I give Doreen Virtue credit for her "loop hole" of free will overlap.  If anothers free will overlaps with mine, I may ask for Divine Intervention and ask for us to go forth making free will choices based on the highest version of love we are able to embody for the Highest Good of all.

And so I make this my formal request to the Ascended Masters, the Archangels and other Christed Beings of Light who may assist for this to be so in this situation.

Here is something I also noticed.  I ask for help but then I may go right back and place my attention on the "situation" as it was without keeping my attention focused on divine love like I have chosen.  So it is with much love, honor and respect I ask for help in assuming that if I asked, it is re-solved.  The "disharmony" has been tuned to Divine Harmony.

I guess that is enough for today.

Thank you to all who have assisted me.

Thanks for the message "Going the Distance"
Thanks for the message "continue listening to the guidance of the Ascended Masters they're helping me manifest a meaningful career with financial abundance which fulfills my Divine Life Purpose".  This is a current desire for me, as is my re-solving my truth about money, wealth and abundance to be that which is the same as Divine Truth. 

Thank you, God and the Universe...and to me.  Always remember in all of this, I AM Divine.  I am not better than another or less than another...I AM an equal child of God...and so I AM Blessed.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Day 16, Monday, August 23, 2010

This is a photo of the front of the Ford Amphitheatre in Hollywood, California.  It is a view from the 3rd level looking out onto Hwy 101.  Notice the waterfall and all the seating.  Picnics are encouraged.  It was a lovely setting for the Swami Kriyananda talk on Sunday, August 22.

I don't remember exactly what happened to Swami Kriyananda the week before, but he was almost health-wise unable to attend the event.  He did make it...in a wheel chair.

I feel this is kind of interesting because I have a judgment about so-called "God Men" who are not in perfect health.  As if I know everything.  Time to let that judgment go, eh?

I had been thinking about how much of a Divine Appointment this event is.  Everyone who was meant to be there, I assume was.  And with all seats full and expecting Swami Kriyananda to show up.  Somehow I can't imagine that he had any real choice but to show up.

The other photo is a view of the stage inside the Amphitheatre.  An amazing venue.  I feel blessed to have chosen to attend.

Anyway, the program for the evening was shortened somewhat in honor of Swami Kriyananda's health.

There was music.  The songs were written by Swami Kriyananda.  Then a brief talk by Neale Donald Walsch.  I didn't realize he had written the first Conversations With God in 1992.  Almost 20 years now.  I thought those books were amazing.  His one main suggestion for all of us in attendance was one minute to one-ness.  He basically dared those of us there to find one person a week for the next year to spend one minute looking into each others eyes.  You know, if eyes are the doorway to the soul.  His suggestion is that most of us don't even ever spend more than five seconds looking into anothers eyes to really see who they are...never mind a minute.  And that if you could hold each others gaze for a minute, you would be able to really get a glimpse of their divinity.

He also dared those of us with "beloveds" to practice this once each day for the next week and see if our relationship doesn't grow more amazing as we see each others souls, especially if we can hold this gaze for a minute with each other while at our most intimate.

Personally, I have to say that I can imagine doing this with my beloved, but with one person a week.  It seems like one of the things most people try to do is avoid eye contact with each other so as not to feel like we are invading each others space.  Almost like a sign of respect.  And I feel like though once you have let me into your life and we are connected, when I do speak with you, I look in your eyes.  Anyway, I thought this was interesting.

Then Swami Kriyanada spoke.  I found it interesting that he spoke about where he was born and the languages he knows and where he was in his life when he simply felt 100% compelled beyond his conscious intent to travel from New York to Los Angeles to become a disciple of Paramahansa Yogananda.

And now Swami Kriyananda has agreed to spend the next seven months or so in Los Angeles.  He will be participating in Sunday Talks beginning Sunday, September 19 at 11am at the Regent Showcase Theater (free/donation suggested).

Anyway, the thing I feel I found most helpful out of all Swami mentioned was to never allow yourself to believe you have falied.  Feel the energy that failure flows through your being.  Instead, you simply tell yourself that you simply have not succeeded yet.

Oh, yeah!  And the thing I did not know about Paramahansa Yogananda is that as a being of pure love, you have no dislikes and no likes.  You are simply love.  You are simply detached.  And some people may call this sociopath.  Supposedly, they have no feelings.  But what if most of are "so-called" feelings are learned.  You know!  You learn it is appropriate to be happy in certain situations and sad in other situations.  And if you don't react accordingly, something is wrong with you.  Yet, Paramahansa Yogananda was always in a state of pure love and bliss.  In this place, what would ever cause you to feel sad?  These are things I wonder.  And I find it interesting to understand this now.  And what a testament to "ruling one's own personal kingdom" or something along those lines to not react in the way that seems to be agreed upon by most and instead standing in your own power, you simply be who you are in the moment.  Divine?  Love?  Peace?  Bliss?  Blessed?  Beautiful?

So, I find it interesting to have used the L.A. Metro system to traverse to and from this event.  This is an excellent venue to practice non-judgment and see everyone as Divine and simply be love.

Today, I mentioned the angel card was "See ONLY Love".  I somehow sort of blocked that out and as I awoke this morning was thinking I was to FOCUS on love.  As I was in bed contemplating getting up and the day, I thought the word "love".  The next moment, I thought the word "love" again.  Then again and again.  And I thought it was kind of cool.  What if my every thought was simply the word "love" or "Divine Love" considering my 108-day journey?  How awesome might that be.  No judgment about what is showing up in the outer, simply thinking, feeling and seeing "Divine Love"?

And isn't that really my journey as I described it.  Continue to "declare Divine Truth until the facts (physical) line up with Divine Truth".  Wouldn't this be the Golden Age, as Mr. Hall mentions in his videos (M Power Me) that I shared in a previous blog?

So, if I were living in PeeWee's Playhouse, today's word would be "Love".  I love that!

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Day 15, Sunday, August 22, 2010

I am appreciative to Anada L.A. Org for the event they are having this evening at the Ford Amphitheatre in Hollywood to hear Swami Kriyananda speak.  Since I am taking the Metro and it should be well attended, it should probably take up most of the rest of my day.

I am blessed.

And so it is.

Also, I find it very synchronistic that two days in a row (today and tomorrow as I write this) the Doreen Virtue cards are today, God, which is another way to say Love or Light.  So today's focus is Love and God...all day.  Monday's card is "See Only Love".  Talk about Divine Focus.  Look past the seeming errors, mistakes and misunderstandings and see only love.  I love it.  Love is always the answer.  Focus on love.

She has a great suggestion, if we find ourselves in a place where we aren't feeling very loving, talk to the angels:
     "Angels, please ignite the flames of love within me.  Help the love within me to glow and bring blessings to everyone with whom I come into contact.  Help my mind, my body and all my actions to be completely infused with and acting from that place of love.  Help me to feel that love and accept that love and to know I deserve love in all ways and so it is."

Have a beautiful loving day.  Remember we are focused on love.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Day 14

So things are changing.  It occurred to me once that there is the saying keep doing what you are doing and expecting change and that is the definition of insanity.  But change what you are doing and not expect anything to change...wouldn't that also qualify?

And so this morning I seem to be in a less than stellar feeling place.  Luckily, I have ways to pull myself out of them.  And luckily, what I wrote yesterday and I want to remember the Daily Oracle Card reading today as being very helpful for me to rememer that in DIVINE TRUTH I already AM everything I say I wish to manifest myself as...bringing heaven to earth...more light into manifestation.

So instead of looking around at how much light I have appeared to manifested currently and feeling discouraged...if I can look around and notice I brought in more light yesterday and I'll bring in more light today and I still have almost 100 days of bringing light...one step at a time...I have the power.

Celebrate my progress.

And I wish to remind myself that any unkind (read: lies) thoughts or feelings I have toward myself (whatever they may be) are not the voice of my Higher Self.  These are not the voice of my guardian angels or any Light Beings who may be assisting me.  See me the way they see me.  See me the way they see me.  See me the way they see me.  Keep doing this and I will probably be amazed.

I shall rise above the self-judgment that I seem to possess in abundance just as sure as God loves me unconditionally and divinely.

Celebrate the love.

Friday, August 20, 2010

Day 13, Friday, August 20, 2010

I am pleased with me for meditating every day so far.

I wish to remind myself that this isn't about making myself divine.  I AM DIVINE now and always.  A child of the One.  I am Spirit in form.  What I am seeking to do is reidentify.  Let go and surrender to the truth of me.  Take my focus and attention off of myself as what ever limited labels I've given myself by being immersed in this human existence to bring about as much Divine Love and Light into my world as I am able to in any given moment.

Thank you to all the beings helping me with this.

And so it is.

Whoo Hoo!

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Even more convinced of the importance of self love and in general...BEING LOVE...24/7.  Unconditional and the excitement of the changes to come.

Peace out.

Below is a great and fairly short video that will increase your personal vibration to one more in harmony with love.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Monday, August 16, 2010

Day 9, Monday, August 15, 2010

It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood.

I am following Ms. Virtue's reading suggestion and honoring my being today.

I am divine.

I want to share the below video.  As I become more my divine self with my desire to Co-create in a more similar fashion to All That Is, I believe this has to do more with creating with energy and vibration than physical exertion.  I love what the gal mentions in this video about not being sure how the sound vibration does what it does.  I mean I don't need to know how the toaster works to make toast, right?

So enjoy.

And I found these two guys who call themselves "The Honest Guys".  I was seeking a relaxation video.  They caught my attention because they have participated in one of Lilou's CCOR challenges (me too).  Small world.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Day 7, Saturday, August 14, 2010

What if by the end of the 108-day journey, I just know that I will have completed my journey...be successful.  In other words, I will have brought forth my spiritual, light body into the physical and I will have mastered manifesting seemingly from thin air.  That just like my friend, Keith, who undertook an amazing journey this year...everything he needed along the path was there for him, people, food, fun, amazing experiences, etc.  And he and them (it) were thrilled to be part of the experience.  The giving didn't seem like giving in the sense that it was something anyone felt "put out" by giving and it wasn't really like receiving in the sense of "now I owe you something" except the moment we shared.  And so I may simply relax and enjoy the ride?

Those are my thoughts this divine day.

Friday, August 13, 2010

Feelin' Good

I am even more committed and thrilled with love.

I love the George Michael version of the video below.  Was suprised to find this is a song written in the 1960's by Anthony Newly.  And I love Michael Buble's version.  And it just popped in my mind, that it is a great shout out to Archangel Michael who always has my back, my right hand and my whole being as he watches over me.

And perhaps a little shout out to Doreen Virtue and her Daily Oracle Card Readings.  Today is awesome.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Day 4, Wednesday, August 11, 2010

All is well.

Loved something my friend, Psychic Tim said, "He's practicing the 3 P's: peace, prosperity and playfulness."

I am enjoying Dr. Pillai's videos.  You know things like being able to in this lifetime bring forth your spirit body like Christ did or being able to manifest like Christ did.  Or be able to manipulate time.  Now that's exciting to me.

Also, I notice that I tend to decide what to do next or what I will eat, etc. based on what I think is right based on being this "spiritual, divine" being.  Isn't that judgment?  Isn't a more "spiritual, divine" question simply, "What will I love?" knowing everything is spirit in form and thus, divine.

Lastly, I am really enjoying saturating my consciousness with the two videos (and I have been practicing VaYaNaMaSi).  In the first part of the two videos there is a prayer about thanking God for all and that God thanks us for the creations we have manifested...all of it.  So, I found it very interesting when I read my God wants You to Know Facebook message:

... that God loves in you even that which you dislike. God doesn't partition you into pieces and loves some and not loves others. That's what people do. That's what you do. God, who created you, accepts and loves every little part of you, even those you deny and hate in... yourself. So next time you try to dislike a part of you, just pause, look and remember that God loves it.
Well, that's enough for now.
Celebrate good times.  C'mon!

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Day 3

Today has been a busy day, but I feel good about it.

That's good enough for now, especially since Dr. Pillai mentions how much words are just blah, blah, blah.


Monday, August 9, 2010

Day 2

I continue to be amazed at the information available through the internet...in a good way.

I continue to be amazed that with so much information, how do you know what is true or not.

What if it is all true?

I had an amazing meditation where I met one of my Guardian Angels, Jovial.  Perfect for me since I tend to take all of this spirituality stuff so seriously.  As the Divine Being, whose desire is to merge with my Higher, Mighty I AM Presence...a being of light...well, light connotes jovial and not serious.  At least to me.  So, awesome.  I also met my Animal Guide.  A bear. 

I have a tendency to want to second guess.  I forget who recommended that one should be like a child and simply assume that you can do it even if it feels like you are making it all up.  For maybe we are.  Make.  Believe. 

Today I went to the Agape Noon Meditation at 12:15 PM.  Thank you.  And it jived perfectly with my Facebook "God Wants Me To Know" where it is time for me to get off the looking for solutions to problems and understanding I am complete.  Now let this blueprint be co-created and brought to earth.

I also have been very much wishing to be in service to the light.  And while it does seem like all of this "divine" stuff is important and perfect, I do still have a physical body and physical presence on Earth and money would seem to be important.  So I wish to serve in the Highest Way and feel okay about earning a living at the same time. 

I received a message that something I love will come to me in a sort of bizarre way, but it will be awesome and everything and more than I hoped it would be and it will be coming within the next three to four weeks.  So...whoo hoo!!

I found some other interesting things. 

Jacqui Johnson - Goddess Of Divinity

To give credit where it is due, I found her through Anrita Melchizedek YouTube search which brought me to Shahid, RadiantGodLight ChannelThank you, Shahid.

What I love about Jacqui's site is her affinity to Ganesh.  She mentions chanting his mantra before just about anything she undertakes.  Click here to see a Deva Premal video of Ganesh's chant,

Om Gum Ganapatayei Namaha

Jacqui also follows Dr. Pillai.  She has a great video of him.  Her page also mentions his Secret Yoga Twitter Program.  I am going to include his two videos at the bottom of today's post.

I am also going to include two other videos found on Shahid's channel.  These have to do with prosperity.  Supposedly if you listen to them 21 days in a row it will greatly enhance your consciousness to be more in line with prosperity and abudance.

Part of me thinks with all of this I would be spending a lot of time doing a lot of different chanting and the like.  Honest truth is that most days I spend at least three hours watching TV and nothing close to that meditating or doing anything like that.  Would Jesus, as the Christ, watch that much TV?  I figure if He did, he'd find a way to do it and still somehow serve humanity at the same time.

Anyway, I am very excited for all of this since it already seems like I've made so much progress in just these first two days.

Whoo hoo!

The  VaYaNaMaSi

M Power Me CD, Part 1

M Power Me CD, Part 2


Sunday, August 8, 2010

8:8 Lion's Gateway

I've been feeling moved for at least a month or so to do something like this.

Yesterday, I had quite a bout of self bashing when truth is compared to many, many...my life is pretty amazing with little to not be grateful for.  And yet, from a collective consciousness and some sort of nebulous agenda I seem to have, I think of myself as a failure.

My spirituality always helps lift me out of my funk.  And while on one hand I feel like I am a failure, on another hand I feel like I am either very awesome with my spiritual progress or some sort of nut job.  I am an Advanced Clear Light Practitioner.  I have a lot of tools to help others feel better.  I consider myself a Light Worker.  And I feel like I am on track to become one with my Christ Consciousness in this lifetime.  And to a certain extent I feel like my life is an experiment where I am seeking to create and master creating in the physical the way Christ did.  You know, fulfilling the promise of all that Christ was capable of doing we are capable of and more.

I never put much stock in the whole scare we had changing to the year 2000.  I wanted to turn a blind eye to this whole end of the Mayan Calendar, end of the world stuff.  Yet somehow I find myself believing that while the earth probably won't end, there will be a change.  And I feel somehow I signed up to help herald this shift in a way that is the most loving, peaceful and gentle possible.

If there is any truth to the Universal Law of Attraction then these are things I appear to be attracted to.  And I see that today, August 8, is by some considered to be the Lion's Gateway energetically, vibrationally.  So, it seems like a great day to start this "voyage".

Coincidentally, in less than a week the "Eat, Pray, Love" movie will be released.  The book is about a woman who found her self praying to God one night and then going on a one-year spiritual journey.  I read the book about a year after it was first released and found myself rereading it all last night.  I feel it will help me very much with my journey I have committed to here.  Her intent was to help her understand how she can balance her connection with the Divine while still living in and enjoying the pleasures we are able to experience because we have these physical bodies (spirit in form).  Our bodies are temples of the Most High, God, and God is in the temple.

And so the journey begins.

FYI!  If I feel guided to share some things (like videos), I will.   Like my vow to of Non-Violence via Deepak Chopra's Well World or the intention to assist with heralding Unity Consciousness or the following two videos:

The above video is from Doreen Virtue's YouTube Channel.

The above video is from Anrita Melchizedek's YouTube Channel.