Friday, October 1, 2010

Day 55, Friday, October 1, 2010

Greetings and salutations!

A new month has begun.  Ten is my lucky number.

And after 54 days, half this journey has already ended.  The second half is beginning.  Kind of exciting.

You may wish to ask me why?  Maybe you don't.

I feel like I really do have some great forward motion going on in my life.  And this may sound a bit snobby, but in a way the most important being that needs to feel this way for it to have a positive impact on me loving and enjoying my life more and more each day is ME!

At this point, too, it seems only natural to reassess a bit.  It occurred to me that I couldn't have been more clear with myself that my focus was to be me thinking, seeing, feeling, etc. me as Divine.  In that sense if I were grading myself, I would have to say I have failed.

However, if I substitute the word "divine" for the word "love", then I feel I am making great progress.  What has really inspired me is the book, "The Power" by Rhonda Byrne.  If you go to page 118 to about page 121, it almost makes me feel like what I would rather amend the last half of this journey to is "Lori's Love Log".  In other words, how much love will I see, feel, be, think, etc. in these last fifty-four days?  How ooey-gooey and firmly entrenched in this vibe will I allow myself to become?  And then when it seems like I am really dripping deliciously in loves vibration, might I amp this frequency to an even more intense feeling of love?  How good can I feel?  How much can I allow myself to authentically feel I love my life and everyone and everything?  How much love can I give?  How much love will I allow myself to receive?  How much can I adore everyone and everything about my life, including me?  Me, living and loving my charmed life.

And I'd love to give this the same sort of focused attention that I am giving to morphing my physical body temple from the 216 pounds I was clocked in at the end of August, 2010 to the physical body temple I love and adore even if it takes me another eight months.

As a side note, Kelly Osbourne was speaking about her weight loss.  She mentioned that when she was on Dancing With the Stars it was the first time she'd ever felt like she properly lost weight (which she meant as eating more healthfully and exercise).  She liked how it made her feel.  Yet, it has taken her 18 months total she said to get to the place where she is now.  And she does look fabulous.

You know, Prince (Prince Rogers Nelson), has a lyric in his song, "Beautiful, Loved, Blessed" where he refers to the physical body temple as being a piece of clay in need of a potters hand.  It has taken me until this summer to really "get it" that each of us deserves a physical body temple that is self-pleasing and we have all the perfect intelligence built-in to each and every cell of our physical body temple to be in a continuous state of well-being.

What I am trying to say is if you have a body you don't authentically love how it looks (and that you love how it looks is most important because then you will not only think others love how it looks...even if they don't, you won't care because you do), it isn't something you have to settle for.  It isn't something being done to you or some sort of punishment for you to learn a lesson (unless, of course you believe it is and then it will be).

Like the statue of David by Michaelangelo which took three years to sculpt, I feel like once someone has arrived at the mindset the sculpting of ones physical body temple will take some time and effort, you have reached a place where you are working with yourself instead of battling yourself about the process.  Chances are you will be much more likely then to succeed.

Keep Dreamin' Til Your Dreams Come True
I love my life.

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